Levi Menovske is a candidate for ASUCD Senate in the Fall 2009 ASUCD Election.
Candidate Statement
Hello everyone! My name is Levi Menovske and I am an Independent running for ASUCD senate. I am a 3rd year majoring in Political Science and English and minoring in Art Studio. I have the capability, work-ethic, and intelligence to make sure your needs are being met around the senate table.
I think that there are improvements that can be made to make your lives as students even better here at UC Davis and I want to be the one to facilitate that change! Please don’t hesitate to contact me about any ideas or questions you have. You can email me at [email protected], Facebook friend me, or just stop me on campus and say hi!
*Intern for Senator Tracey Zeng, *Intern for Senator Ramneek Saini. *CALPIRG Textbook Affordability Campaign Coordinator, Global Warming Solutions Campaign Coordinator *CALPIRG Statewide Vice Chair, and UC Davis Campus Chair * Student Services & Fees Advisory Committee (SSFAC): Undergraduate Representative *CAL Aggie Camp Counselor (2 years) *Active brother of Delta Lambda Phi: International Progressive Male Fraternity *Academic Affairs Commissioner **2009 Student of the Year, California Public Interest Research Group **Presidential Volunteer Service Award: Gold Level (Delta Lambda Phi) **National Chapter of the Year (Delta Lambda Phi)
2009-11-13 15:25:12 Congratulations! You're the lone independent from this election! —GreatRyan
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