Elisa Hough in the suit at the ARC Pavilion in 2006The Little Lion Suit, much like the Giant Teddy Bear Suit, has a storied history in Davis. Many individuals have worn the suit publicly including one at its inception, supposedly--former ASUCD/GASC-affiliate and former KDVS DJ, Jenn de la Vega. Other wearers include Elisa Hough, Sean Johansson. It has been worn to many ASUCD and KDVS functions and appears in KDVS Fundraiser videos such as 2005's Our Listeners Keep Us Running.








The suit makes an appearance at a costume party.


Screen-grabs from the 2009 KDVS Fundraiser video.

Elisa Hough and Michael Leahy in the main studio at KDVS



The suit as worn on the street and in the main studio of KDVS.


The ARC Pavilion is graced by the little lion suit as well as the giant teddy bear suit.


In the KDVS Fundraiser video entitled Our Listeners Keep Us Running, the suit and gallivants around town with other radio enthusiasts.

On the watchtower in Central ParkOn the watchtower in Central ParkSliding in Central ParkRunning past The Paint Chip in Downtown DavisA leap in front of Armadillo MusicIn front of the famed F and 6th house



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