Good places to swap spit...romantic, classy, and somewhat private.
- The dirt road on the intersection County Road 27 and CA-99. Or pretty much most country roads.
- The purple house on Sycamore Lane
- Lounge corner in Sophia's Thai Kitchen
- Behind In-N-Out Burger drive-thru where behind?
- The EC Gardens plenty of spots - but be careful, there may be lots of bugs!
- In the back of the Davis Cemetery "Oh f*$& no. Not into the gothic love scene tho...."
- In the Mee Room before ASUCD Senate meetings.
- The west end of the Arboretum.
- The Arboretum Gazebo is a good spot especially since the surrounding garden is meant to be viewed by moonlight.
- In the bathroom of Carl's Jr. (Aka, the six dollar spit swap).
- In the basement of the Carl Gorman Museum
- The east end of the Oak Tree Plaza parking lot
- The aisles of the Physical Sciences and Engineering Library
- The north east bench in Pioneer Park
- The dugouts at Playfields Park
- Behind the big oak at Cedar Park
- The cubby holes in the Death Star
- The Fitness Trail Gazebo
- Rainbow City
- On the Dave Pelz bike overpass at sunset.
- In the catwalks at the Mondavi Center- see sex as well, seeing as you can't be seen.
- In one of the little-used classrooms in the basement of Wellman Hall (it is almost always open, just don't get caught by a custodian)
- On the play structures in the Big Kids Park between Castilian Hall and Thoreau Hall.
- Under the big tree at the center of Mace Ranch Park. Its got this cute fence you can sit on.
West end of Arboretum, a photo by JASH
Someone should map plot these! —MichelleAccurso
- I just felt the need to add that the Arboretum Gazebo is an awesome place to make out if you love to make out in places WHERE MULTIPLE PEOPLE HAVE COMMITTED SUICIDE!!! Seriously, I NEVER go there, not even in the daytime, let alone in the light of a full moon...
- Tragic Events has no record of suicides in the gazebo. The closest was Hugh "Pat" Patterson, who hung himself from an oak tree close by in Shields Grove. If you know something that the wiki doesn't, please edit the page. -MattJurach
- I have never heard of anyone committing suicide in the Gazebo, and I'm a townie! -JamesSchwab
I have never heard of anyone committing suicide in the Gazebo, and I'm a townie! -StevenDaubert
- Ditto. -DonShor
2010-08-06 22:45:03 I sincerely appreciate marked make out spots —MeganPetersen
2013-11-09 23:36:12 In the dumpster behind the Wendy's —FrankReynolds
- 99% Romantic 1% rubbish. -GregFurstenwerth
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