A Campus Map to the south of the Memorial Union patio
To get a sense of local Geography, you can look at lots of maps of Davis, or of broader areas, online. Maps can help you in navigating Davis.
Also check out the DavisWiki map. You can even edit it!
Check out these sources for more maps:
- Davis Street Map - A GIS style web-based map provided by the City of Davis. It includes street names and address information, aerials, parcel boundaries, address location tools, distance tools and other nifty features.
- UC Davis Map - Visit the campus page for additional maps.
- Bicycle Map - Also check out the Bike Rides page for other bike specific maps.
- Yolobus Route map - Includes local and county wide Yolobus routes and scheduling.
- Unitrans Bus Route Map - Unitrans provides service to the city of Davis and UCD
- Map of parks in Davis
- Demographics - A web-based map provided by the City of Davis using 2000 census data.
- 2003 aerial photos - these can also be downloaded individually here (Note that this imagery is now in Google Earth/Maps!).
- 1937 historical map - Nice aerial showing the city as your grandpa remembers it. Check out the size of campus.
- Davis Growth Map - An animated map showing the city's annexations over time. Pretty neat.
- Apartments - A map of apartments in davis using google maps. This is useful to get a general idea of location suitability. Additional map tools can be found on the apartments page.
- Downtown Map Signs - Map stations in downtown mounted in metal frames.
- Davis Map - The interactive Davis Wiki-based map.
- A Walking and Public Art Guide of Davis (printable)
- SACOG GIS Clearing House
- Mapsurfer - Hosted by our very own UC Davis, this map tool is really cool!
- Google map and Google Earth (as of Sept 8 2006, the satellite imagery of the Davis area is finally in high resolution! And, as of June 10 2008, street view works!)
- OpenStreetMap is a community generated map of the world.
- Sanborn Maps are the most comprehensive historical maps of Davis, covering every street and structural floor plan within city limits. Physical copies are available for perusal at the Shields Library map room. Digital copies are available to download for free to UC Davis students through the Sanborn website.
- TopoZone - Lets you search topographical maps by location names.
A map of Campus, to help you get around. If you got this map off Davis Wiki in 1955, that is. from The California Aggie
- Lambertus has world-wide OpenStreetMap coverage and routable maps with various map installers (PC and Mac) for Garmin GPS devices
- http://www.vr6.com/gps/ uses USGS (2005?) data with contour intervals and streams for all of California. For Garmin GPS devices.
Printed maps
Marc Hoshovsky's Walking and Public Art Guide to Davis is a downloadable, printable guide to art and natural areas around town.If you want a printed map of the area, Newsbeat and The Avid Reader sell lots of different kinds. Maps for the entire town and surrounding area can also be bought at most drugstores, grocery stores and gas stations. The City of Davis also stores additional maps on their Mapping and Geographic Information Systems page. The Yolo County Visitors Bureau also gives out moderately useful maps for free. You may also find maps in the Shields Library Map Room, located in the basement of the library. They have a complete set of California topographic maps to look at and photocopy. You don't even have to put them away once you are done looking at them!
Smartphone maps
For smartphone map software, see the app section in mobile phones.
2006-09-08 16:11:48 Can anyone figure out a date for the new GoogleMap satellite image? I can see that the new parking structure isn't completed yet, and the new TAPS building isn't started yet. Jagged Tree is still there. —MattJurach
2006-10-05 21:15:48 Hard copies of the city bike map are available at the visitor info booth at the north parking structure. They are not available at: MU Info Desk, Bike Barn, or TAPS even though they all say the other one has them. I believe the chamber of commerce has them as well, if you can find that place. —JonathanLawton
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