Location |
437 F Street |
Davis, CA 95616 |
(in the same building as Allstate) |
Hours |
Monday - Friday 9am - 5:30pm |
Phone |
(530) 753-8800 |
Website |
http://www.MortgageInDavis.com |
Like our Facebook for tons of savings tips! |
Resources |
[email protected] |
Owner |
Marc Thompson, CMPS |
Marc Thompson is a certified mortgage planner who works for Summit Funding. His team assists individuals and families incorporate their home financing options into their overall financial picture. Mortgages can be more than "just a loan" -- they can be used as a tool to manipulate your overall financial situation-- because buying or refinancing a home is a huge transaction. You may find it worthwhile to talk to him to help you find the best type of loan to suit your individual needs, be it as a first-time purchase, a refinance, for investment, or for ameliorating a debt.
2012-05-28 08:29:53 Have you ever had the experience of working with a business professional who treated you as though providing you with the services you needed were his only concern in the world? Marc Thompson is that kind of person. He's exceptionally skilled and personable, and his enthusiastic, down-to-earth approach to mortgage planning was very confidence-inspiring for my husband and me.
We had pretty good terms on our original mortgage, but the benefits of a refinance at very attractive current rates certainly appealed to us. The challenge: We'd both retired since our prior mortgage and had invested a lot in a small business that was just getting on its feet. Could Marc find a mortgage banker for us? He could! He did!
Thanks to Marc's knowledge, connections, and diligent effort on our behalf, we are enjoying the liberation of a refinanced home loan that meets our needs and our resources perfectly. Marc didn't let it show, but we know he worked extra hard for us.
Our initial confidence was well-deserved. Marc Thompson certainly has our endorsement! —SusanWilcox
2014-07-08 10:23:45 Marc Thompson is fantastic. Several months ago my wife and I were beginning to look seriously for a house (our first). We didn't have a good sense of how to evaluate our price range and our options for down payment, mortgage, etc. I had played around with a number of different tools online (NYTimes has a pretty decent mortgage calculator), but they all leave it up to you to figure out what information you need to input, so there's a lot of guesswork.
Marc took the guesswork out of it. He let us know what information he needed and was able to give us a detailed assessment of what kind of financing was available, what we would qualify for based on our down payment, and estimates of costs before and after taxes. Basically, he gave us the information we needed to make an informed decision about our budget and move forward with buying a house.
When it came to actually setting up the mortgage (which is handled through Mason McDuffie, the company Marc is with, although the actual lender is a third party), Marc and his office were great. He worked closely with our real estate agent, Raul Zamora of Z1 Property Management (also highly recommended), and the listing agent of the house we ultimately bought. Marc and his office were always responsive and easy to reach if we had any questions, and they kept us in the loop throughout the process.
If you're comfortable enough with the whole process that you don't need any guidance, maybe you can forgo working with someone like Marc. If you're like us, though, and have a reasonable understanding of the process but have questions and uncertainty about the specifics, Marc is a phenomenal resource. It also helps that he's an extremely nice guy who's easy to work with.
It's also worth noting that the mortgage planning services he provides are at no additional cost. Mason McDuffie gets paid for its services, obviously (I don't have a comparison to another mortgage broker, but the fee seemed very reasonable), but the wealth of information you get from working with Marc doesn't increase that cost. —TomGarberson
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