Marina Khan is a candidate for ASUCD Senate in the Fall 2009 ASUCD Election running on the L.E.A.D. slate.
HELLO UC DAVIS!!!! My name is Marina Khan and I am a L.E.A.D candidate running for ASUCD Senate this fall. I am a third year International Relations major with a double minor in History and Communications. I want to be your ASUCD Senator because I absolutely LOVE this university and want to be a representative for all students and groups on campus. UC Davis is going through significant changes and I know I could be the voice of the students. I want to hear what you have to say, and I am open to any ideas/improvements you may have.
I have been involved on campus for the last 3 years in various groups and activities. Through my involvement I have seen how great UC Davis truly is, but like any other campus it can always be improved. With your support, I want to make UC Davis the best it can be and a place we can all be proud of!
-Member of Kappa Alpha Theta, Recording Secretary -First-Year Experience Peer Advisor -UC Davis Summer Orientation Leader, 2009 -ASUCD Intern: Senator Erin Lebe Vice President Chris Dietrich - Worked on Safeboats 2009 project -ASUCD Lobby Corps
********************************* PLATFORMS: COMING SOON!
Please contact me if you have any questions/comments! I would LOVE to hear what you have to say!
Remember to VOTE MARINA KHAN #1 FOR ASUCD SENATE and L.E.A.D #2-6!
How can YOU help?!?!?!
Candidate Statement
official campaign statement here
Fall 2009 ASUCD Election/Candidates
Ryan Achterberg Don Ho Marina Khan Andre Lee Bree Rombi
JAM Joel Juarez Abrham Castillo-Ruiz Marisol Ornelas
Levi Menovske Christopher Adams Nazir Sayed Logan Taylor Jonathan Ogata Lauren Corcios Ryan Gilani
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