The Merrie Pryanksters is a troupe of English country dancers who perform at Renaissance Faires throughout Northern California. Several members of the English Country Dancers club at UC Davis are also members of the Pryanksters. Contact Sarah Caves or Sarah Williams [email protected] for more information regarding the group, or check out the Merrie Pryanksters Yahoo! Group or the merriepryank LiveJournal community. The clothing, or garb, worn by the members are sewn at group gatherings for the purpose, as a rule they play a group of English peasants to middle class and hence wear garb to reasonably fit this setting.
Pranksters on Daviswiki
- BarnabasTruman — Longstanding member and musician, plays the pennywhistle and often participates in the dances.
- Eric Woodbury — Longstanding member.
- DavidPoole — A newer member who has yet to be seen officially dancing with the group.
- JaniceGutshall — Performer since 1995.
- DougWalter — Vintage 1980's Pryankster.
- Brittney McClain — Resident giggler, been giggling with the pryanksters since 2005
They are not to be confused with the Merry Pranksters.
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