
The Native American Student Union is a student organization comprised primarily of American Indian, Native American, Indigenous undergraduate student leaders and allies. Since its early beginnings, NASU has served as a holistic support group for American Indian, Native American, and Indigenous students on campus. As a student-run organization, NASU is dedicated to promoting cultural and political awareness among all communities and works closely with American Indian Recruitment and Retention to increase recruitment and retention of American Indian, Native American, and Indigenous students on campus. For this reason, NASU is dedicated to providing an environment that fosters leadership and empowers Native students. NASU advocates for the sovereignty and self-determination of all Indigenous peoples throughout the Americas and across the world.

NASU meets weekly during the school year in the Student Community Center and contributes to a variety of Native American events on campus.

All UC Davis students are welcome!

2013-2014 Officers

  • Co-Chair/Historian: Monica Hawkins
  • Co-Chair: Marissa Saenz
  • Treasurer: Andrea Gonzalez
  • Community Liason: Pamela Pretell
  • Secretary: TBA

2012-2013 Officers

  • Co-Chairs: Dylan Stevenson and Michelle Peters
  • Treasurer: Marissa Saenz
  • Secretary: Pamela Pretell
  • Historian: Monica Hawkins


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2020-08-11 13:51:59   website seems to be broken. is this group still active? —oddnaan