Question 4. of the 2007 School Board Questions to Candidates


Are there ways to increase revenues or resources that you would support?

  • Joe Spector:
  • Susan Lovenburg:
  • Richard Harris:
  • Bob Schelen: Measure Q is the most important revenue enhance at this time, as it allows us to keep programs we now have. There are a number of grants and other government funding that we need to look at as ways to increase revenues. There are programs at the state and federal level with money for local districts. It is unfortunate that the complex California School Financing system ties the hands of local school boards in the use of revenues. So much of the funding is tied to specific mandates from the federal and state government. If elected to the School Board, I would be an advocate to reform the California School Financing System and make it more simple and have it allow for more local control. There are a number of Career Technical Education funds available at both the state and federal level and I would urge the School District to be more aggressive in pursuing them. Also, if we do develop a pro-active K-12 mental health program using state funds, it could be free up some local funds for other programs. My experience in government allows me to know where much of this money for schools is and gives me the ability to pursue it in a successful fashion.


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