Oaks are trees in the genus Quercus. At UC Davis, we're fortunate to have the Peter J. Shields Oak Grove in the Arboretum, one of the largest and most diverse collections of oaks in the United States. The collection of about 350 evergreen and deciduous oaks, some more than 250 years old, represents 89 different species and varietals from both the U.S. and abroad. Many of the oaks in Shields Grove were grown from acorns collected in the wild and are research specimens — the source of each tree is documented by the Arboretum. The grove was established in 1964.
See Town Flora for other plants growing within Davis.
2007-09-24 14:58:30 Note that 2007 appears to be a mast year for at least some oaks on Miller Drive. Send your neighborhood squirrels over, but forewarn them of the plethora of territorial male cats around 8th street. —HillaryThomas
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