Regular Meetings
Fall 2012:
Everyone is welcome.
[email protected]
Other Internet Resources

Ordo Aggie is a new campus organization with the purpose of providing a safe place for occultists and pagans on campus to meet, make friends, share ideas, and plan activities with like-minded individuals. The club is predominantly made up of people interested in paganism and the Western magical tradition, though the general meetings are open to everyone.

Ordo Aggie is not devoted to any particular tradition or school of thought. The group serves primarily as a meeting place for those who identify, for one reason or another, as occultists or pagans. However, members are encouraged to form their own working groups that may be devoted to specific traditions or schools of thought.

There is no process for official membership in Ordo Aggie. Generally those who consider themselves members are either members of Ordo Aggie's facebook group or regularly attend the meetings. The meetings are open to the campus, community, and beyond.


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