Davis is blessed with many great possibilities for outdoor fun. Whether it is summer or winter, it is always nice to spend a little time away from the clutter and chaos that is our indoor existence. We hope this page will help you spend a little more time without a roof over your head. Have fun! For outdoorsy things further from Davis see adventures.
- Acroyoga
- Airsoft
- Aquatic Insect Sampling in the Putah Creek Watershed
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Bicycling
- Birds and Bird Watching
- Boating
- Camping
- Catapulting, see Hurlers and Manor Park or Slide Hill Park
- Climbing
- dodgeball
- Exercise
- Fitness Trails
- Fly Fishing
- Gardening
- Geocaching
- Go-kart Racing
- Golf, Disc Golf and Frisbee Golf
- Hiking and Backpacking
- Horse Polo Club
- Horseback Riding
- Juggling
- Kayaking
- Kickball
- Kite Flying
- Knife Throwing
- LetterBoxing
- Riding Motorcycles
- Paramotoring
- Paintball
- Puzzle Hunts
- Pick Fruit @ local farm stands - Try picking fruit in the summertime.
- Inline skating
- Rowing
- Running
- Sailing
- Sex
- Skateboarding
- Skydiving
- Slacklining
- Snow Sports
- Soccer
- Softball
- Surfing
- Swimming
- Sword Fighting
- Tennis
- Walk the Dog
- Windsurfing
- Yolo County Recreation
- Viewing Outdoor Art including Campus Art, Town Art, and Urban Art
- Volleyball
The eucalyptus grove near Student Housing is a pleasant lunch or study spot in spring
- Amtrak Station
- Arboretum
- Arboretum Terrace
- Batting Cages
- Beaches
- Cache Creek
- Davis Northstar Ponds
- Davis West Ponds
- Farmers Market
- The Grass Sidewalk
- The Greenbelt
- Hutchison Trees
- Parks
- Davis Parks Map
- Putah Creek
- Stevenson Bridge
- UC Nature Reserves
- Davis Activity Partners - A place to find buddies for outdoor recreation and exercise
- Davis Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club
- Davis Motorsports Club
- Davis Rodeo Club
- Davis Skate
- DOERS — "Devoted Outdoor ExploreRS", sometimes also "Davis Outdoor ExploreRS"
- Recreation Directory - Davis Community Network
- Freedom From Hunger
- Putah Creek Council Offers free educational outdoor activities related to the Putah Creek watershed
- Outdoor Adventures
- Scouting
- Sierra Club Offers a variety of outdoor oriented group activities
- Tuleyome - Encouraging people to conserve, enhance, restore, and enjoy the lands in the Yolo County region https://www.meetup.com/Tuleyome-Home-Place-Adventures/events/
- Yolo Hiker
Related Businesses
- Airsoft Extreme
- Davis Paintball Center
- Kangaroo Fitness
- Outdoor Adventures
- Outdoor Davis
- Outdoor Kids
- Skydance Skydiving