Departed Business

This entry refers to a departed business that has closed or left town. All information here is for historical reference only.


1590 Drew Avenue , Suite 120
(530) 750-7076

PMC was a consulting firm that provides California cities and counties with agency staffing, planning, environmental, conservation, finance, and public affairs services. They had a local office in Davis, and offices throughout California and Arizona. They were acquired by Michael Baker International in 2015.

PMC provide staff to several cities on a contract basis. Their biggest clients for agency staffing are the cities of Rancho Cordova and Elk Grove. They provide planners for planning and community development departments, provide code enforcement, and on

They update General Plans, Specific Plans, specialize in LAFCo (Local Area Formation Committee) Annexations, SOI (Sphere of Influence) amendments, incorporations, MSRs (Municipal Service Reviews), plan for services, zoning and subdivision amendments, and provide other planning services.

They provide environmental services such as Environmental Impact Report (EIR) preperation. They have biologists, cultural resource specialists, planners, and other staff to prepare reports required under CEQA and NEPA.

They also provide finance and public affairs staff.


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