Patrick Devlin is a candidate for ASUCD Senate in the Winter 2012 ASUCD Election running as an independent.

Candidate Statement

As a candidate for ASUCD (Associated Students of UC Davis) Senator, I intend to focus on increasing the number of impacted sections, an increase in the number of tutoring and advising services, and I would finally work towards the consistent enforcement of campus rules and laws.

From interviews with various students, I have found that there is a particular need for increases in the number of sections offered in Biology and Chemistry labs, Communication classes, and other impacted Engineering and Liberal Arts classes as well. One of the primary things I will work towards as a Senator would be to increase the number of these sections and classes.

I also see a need for increased numbers of student tutoring; academic, career, and minority advising services; and better advertising of the locations of these services so that new and existing students can easily find out where these services are located. Recently, UC Davis built a new center for minorities and other students: this exactly the kind of project that helps UC Davis student excel in their studies, and I would work towards more projects like this one.

And finally, I would work towards a consistent enforcement of campus rules and laws. For instance, I see no reason why protests cannot take place in the Quad, but I would request that the tents out in the Quad be removed. I believe that by a consistent enforcement of campus rules that there will be less crime, theft, or the like because people will understand that a law or a rule exists for a reason and they will get in trouble if the law or rule is broken.

In summary, I will work towards the increase of sections and classes that are impacted, create a stronger tutoring and advising presence on campus, and work towards consistent enforcement of campus rules and laws.


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