Pharmacies are especially vital to survival during Allergy Season and can also be places to obtain flu shots.
There are no longer any 24-hour pharmacies open in Davis. If you need a prescription filled after hours, the closest option to Davis is probably the CVS in Fair Oaks.
Supermarkets & Grocery Stores may also carry some over-the-counter medications and health care items.
Pharmacies in Davis include:
- CVS One location in town is open 24 hours, though the pharmacy is no longer open 24 hours/day.
- Kaiser Permanente They also sell discounted over the counter allergy medications. You don't need to be a member to purchase over the counter products.
- Rite Aid
- Student Health and Wellness Center
- Target
Pharmacies are not just limited to medications for humans. Most pharmacies will fill prescriptions for pets such as dogs and cats. The same drugs used for humans can often be given to pets. These include antibiotics and other drugs. Pharmacies can also order pet medications such as flea and pest treatments. Insulin that is used by humans can also be used by pets.
Many major pharmacies also offer a AAA discount. The amount of the discount can only be determined once your prescription is processed by the pharmacy. AAA discount cannot be used with any insurance plan. The AAA discount must be used by itself. Not all medications are covered and the discount may be very small depending on the specific medication.
Savings on each prescription may vary. Members can save an average of 24 percent off of the pharmacy’s regular retail prices for prescription drugs. In addition, they may save even more by choosing a generic medication when available. Members can visit to print out a card to take to the pharmacy. The pharmacy will need the information on this card as well as your AAA card in order to process your discount.
George Banks & Co. opened a pharmacy around 1884 (possibly earlier). Walter E. Bates and his partner "Hart" started a pharmacy around 1888. Bates was operating on his own a couple years later.
A widely remembered pharmacy of the 20th century was Quessenberry's Drug Store. Another one from the same era was Star Pharmacy, also on Second Street, at the northwest corner of 2nd and D.
2008-05-03 16:26:03 El Macero Pharmacy often has better prices than Rite Aid or Longs. —Brittney
2014-04-11 18:20:22 CVS pharmacy on W. Covell is the worst p! They never have prescriptions ready, there is always a long line of customers waiting (probably because the prescriptions are never ready on time), and the pharmacy staff is surly — probably because their customers are frustrated. Target's pharmacy is superb by comparison, but, unfortunately, Blue Cross only permits CVS — probably because whoever manages CVS is saving the company lots of money by massively understaffing their pharmacy during daylight hours. Avoid it if you can! —Chamoudah
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