Kitty at my foot and I wanna touch it Pootleberry Dinglehopper lives with her number one human, Miriam, but still remembers her number two human, Summer, and her kittenhood at The Bakery fondly.
Pootleberry's real name is Molly (named after Molly Malone), but she goes by Poot, Pooters, Meow-Face, Moll-Face, Moll Flanders, Poots, Pootle, Stinky, Stinker, Poo-tang, Mollerina, MollsBalls, and Kitty.
Poot is 8 months old! She weighs 8+ lbs. Poot's MySpace Profile
Molly Song
What's for dinner? Molly-pop, Molly-pop, oh molly-molly-molly Molly-pop, Molly-pop, oh molly-molly-molly Molly-pop, Molly-pop, oh molly-molly-molly Molly-pop
Wanna snuggle my Molly kitten Sweet little kisses I am smitten And when her motor begins to purr I just wanna cuddle with her
I call her Molly-pop, Molly-pop, oh molly-molly-molly Molly-pop, Molly-pop, oh molly-molly-molly Molly-pop, Molly-pop, oh molly-molly-molly Molly-pop
Sweeter than a freshly packed bowl Love her right down to my soul You'd love her til the end of time But Molly-pop is mine Mmmmm, hands are tasty! I call her Molly-pop, Molly-pop, oh molly-molly-molly Molly-pop, Molly-pop, oh molly-molly-molly Molly-pop, Molly-pop, oh molly-molly-molly Molly-pop
Grey kitten wearing little white gloves She is the one that I loves Cutest cat ever, that's what I think My Molly-pop is the stink
I call her Molly-pop, Molly-pop, oh molly-molly-molly Molly-pop, Molly-pop, oh molly-molly-molly Molly-pop, Molly-pop, oh molly-molly-molly Molly-pop Cuddly Little Attack Cat
Molly's Photo Biography:
Once upon a time, in a land far away (from Downtown), a tiny little kitten appeared at the magic castle known locally as The Bakery. The little kitten was grey and fluffy, and a little bit scared of her home in a strange new land. |
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Realizing quickly, as smart kittens do, that her human pets were not only malleable, but that they seemed to enjoy submitting to her demands, this little kitten (who was given the name Molly by her pets but was known in the animal kingdom as Pootleberry Dinglehopper) quickly overcame her initial fears and plotted a coup d'état to overcome those pesky creatures who would have her eat kibble rather than tuna. |
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A horrific battle ensued, unlike any other ever seen in this strange land. Countless stuffed mice, hands, feet, plants and abandoned dinner plates fell prey to General Poot's savage attacks. |
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Eventually, armistice was reached, and both General Poot and her pet humans fell into an easy compromise. General Poot is, of course, ruler of The Bakery...but she rarely eats tuna. |
Poot was recently the life of the party at AGASA's potluck/BBQ. Sorry to anyone she munched on!
2005-06-05 22:28:38 My favorite new nickname for this little monster is "Molly Ringworm." HAHA —SummerSong
2005-06-06 15:56:00 BEWARE - This pussycat has SHARP teeth! She's also a sucker for the standard kitten trappings. Also, I might add, has a soft belly. —KarlMogel
2005-06-13 21:54:38 cute...must steal, and then she'll be all mine! I'll let Mike visit her...maybe —VivianPham
2005-06-13 21:57:37 this cat is so much cuter than my roommate's cat —RohiniJasavala
2005-06-13 22:00:51 No stealing the kitty! Besides, you don't want her, she's awfully smelly! :) —SummerSong
2005-06-17 20:53:28 Simba saw Poot on the Wiki, and now my cat wants to defend her honor as the cutest kitty on the wiki. —KarlMogel
2005-06-18 02:19:09 Poot is a beaut- but the name doesn't suit. Too cute! —EllenSeeley
2005-06-18 02:33:29 I love the name, i've said it to myself and to friends about 20 times a day since it became a wiki page. OMG did I just admit that? —MichaelGiardina
2005-06-18 03:38:07 No, the next page should be dedicated to disenfranchised writers who want to fight for the evolution of culture. There are plenty of us sad folk... —MichaelGiardina
2005-06-18 21:48:26 Hey, Ellen's comment was like tiny poetic happiness. And god-damn that cat is cute! Dare I say, even cuter than MY little grey cat!? :O —MichelleAccurso
2005-06-19 22:28:20 lol... freshly packed bowl? —MichaelGiardina
2005-06-21 01:24:35 So how do you get from Molly to Pootleberry Dinglehopper? —VivianPham
2005-06-23 16:25:45 Poot is only cute because she's small, thin, white, helpless, and naive... her cuteness will decline with age, unlike Simba. :) —KarlMogel
2005-06-23 16:29:03 Oh, whatever! You're just jealous. ;) —SummerSong
2005-06-23 17:32:34 This is a great page! Clearly, you are smitten by the poot. —AlphaDog
2005-06-23 17:53:08 Here here Alpha, this page is updated so often, but that little cat is so cute I sent this page to my mom. —MichelleAccurso
2005-06-28 00:24:04 Hehehe, I crack up every time I see the Alien Poot pic!! Too funny. —SummerSong
2005-08-25 01:02:54 ah, such an adorable little thing :D —MarieHuynh
2005-08-25 09:05:25 Isn't she, though? I <3 my little boo. —SummerSong
2005-09-13 18:56:27 I miss my little hunnybunny! Whaaaa —SummerSong
2005-11-27 20:31:01 that is an adorable kitty. _ —AubreyJohnson
2005-12-05 08:50:08 um. basically adorable. :] —NoraSandstedt
2006-01-12 02:34:39 Check out Simba sitting on her little couch in front of the fire. Simba defines cute! —KarlMogel
2006-03-24 23:06:32 Awww...this little one makes me deeply miss my wonderful Bucky... —SunjeetBaadkar
2006-12-02 01:49:40 Stop sleating my name!! Hia everybody- I am the original Pootleberry, My name is Rosie Elizabeth Pootleberry Barton and I am 13 years old! I was searching wiki and I felt like searching my name- And your molly came up! Im the original Poot! Its even on my birth certificate.... —RosiePootleberry
2007-03-20 00:24:22 Nice pictures, good work —StevenDaubert
2007-10-31 15:04:20 She looks like a sweetheart, your page is great. —FeralFeline
meow meow:
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