Ceci n'est pas une tomate

It's plump. Located outside the Davis Food Co-op. Don't eat it, the staff becomes irate, as the tomato is often a favorite for their staff pictures.

Portrait of a Tomato was unveiled on July 11, 2000. It was created by GeraldHeffernon, and funded by the Davis Food Co-op and a City arts contract program. The piece itself is made of high density polyurethan foam covered in epoxy resin and painted with car paint (to resist weather conditions).

Rumor has it that it is a subtle advertisement for Genetically Engineered plump tomatoes. After all, square tomatoes were developed hereabouts.

Kids and dogs love the tomato equally!

    A Lovely Tomato

    Sat square like

    A red square

    Only it was round

    Like a red

    Round thing