Post-Completion as of 04/15/09
Just, north of Vet Med, east of Thurman, and south of Tupper, Vet Med 3A is the biggest addition to the School of Veterinary Medicine in several decades. With over 98,000 square feet of floorspace devoted to a mixture of teaching and research, the building has become the new hub of activity for the veterinary school.
Interestingly, the whole reason behind the construction of Vet Med 3A and the Veterinary Medicine Instructional Facility was the fact that the veterinary school was placed on limited accreditation after a review found its previous facilities to be so dilapidated that the school was unable to provide a quality educational experience to its students. The university instituted a major plan to overhaul existing facilities and build a new round of instructional and research buildings, one of which is Vet Med 3A. The construction of Vet Med 3B will be the final building called for in the re-accreditation plan.
UC Davis News & Information Article on Limited Accreditation UC Davis News & Information Article on its resoration
Construction Photos
Both VMIF and VM3A under construction - 2/23/2005
VM3A under construction - 5/11/2005
VM3A under construction - 5/19/2005
VM3A under construction - 6/5/2005