This entry refers to a departed business that has closed or left town. All information here is for historical reference only.


417 Mace Blvd, in El Macero Shopping Center
(Please fill in hours)

The local Sears store was a small strip-mall location, not one of the larger department stores or industrial supply stores. They sold appliances and did repair and took returns from any Sears location. They closed in 2006. The location is currently occupied by Tuesday Morning.

In the 70s and 80s, Sears had a small catalog store at the southeast corner of G Street and 3rd Street (also the former location of Strelitzia Flower Co).

But I Must Have Sears!

The closest locations that are open is the Sears in Woodland and a few Sears in Sacramento, one at the Arden Fair Mall.


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2011-11-09 11:30:26   What a concept now - a catalog store! I doubt kids today would even understand this concept if you tried to explain it to them. I remember being in the 3rd and G store when Reagan was shot, 3/30/81. —OldDavis73