The 22-room Sigma Chi house at 400 Parkway Circle.
Location |
400 Parkway Circle Davis, CA 95616 |
Contact |
Consul: Jack Tetrault Email: [email protected]
Recruitment Chairman: Nate Bender Email: [email protected] |
Website |
Instagram: sigmachidavis |
One, and the main, aim and object of Sigma Chi has been, and is, to develop and train broad-minded men who can recognize the wholeness of things and who are not bound down to a contracted, eight by ten notion of exclusiveness. There is an absolute necessity for such men.
-Founder Benjamin Piatt Runkle
Sigma Chi's 12th Annual Mother's Brunch.
Sigma Chi is a brotherhood with roots in friendship, equality and education as part of their overall responsibilities to the broader communities in which they live. They achieve these ideals through promoting those character qualities embodied in their Rituals, and continuously reaffirm their purpose through the observance of Sigma Chi’s Governing Laws and through adherence to the decisions of their legislative assemblies, which empower and direct their activities.
In addition to its 217 undergraduate chapters and 145 alumni chapters, Sigma Chi is comprised of four operational entities: the Sigma Chi Fraternity, the Sigma Chi Foundation, the Risk Management Foundation and Constantine Capital Inc.
Fundamental Purpose
The previous Sigma Chi house on Oxford Circle, which the chapter moved out of in August of 2005.
The fundamental purpose of the Sigma Chi Fraternity is the cultivation, maintenance and accomplishment of the ideals of friendship, justice and learning within their membership.
Sigma Chi Fraternity best serves its purpose by developing, implementing and monitoring programs that foster leadership, build character and promote positive relationship skills which, in turn, enable our members to become productive and caring participants in their families, colleges and communities.
Core Values, Vision and Mission
Sigma Chi’s core values are friendship, justice and learning. Their vision is to become the preeminent collegiate leadership development organization-aligned, focused and living their core values. Their mission is to develop values-based leaders committed to the betterment of character, campus and community.
The Theta Omicron Chapter of UC Davis
The chapter house is located next to Kappa Alpha Theta, Sigma Nu and Tau Kappa Epsilon at 400 Parkway Circle directly across from the Activities and Recreation Center (ARC).
As of August 2005, the National Fraternity has added the Huntsman Cancer Research Institute to it’s official list of charities. The Theta Omicron chapter will continue its work to support them through their philanthropic efforts which have averaged over $20,000 in recent years.
Current Officers
- Consul: Jack Tetrault
- Pro Consul: Matt Sutfin
- Annotator: Kabir Trivedi
- Quaestor: Parker Fritts
- Magister: Cade Porterfield
- Recruitment Chairman: Nate Bender
- Risk Manager: Luke Peter Davis
- Tribune: Finn Talmon
- Chapter Editor: Thom Landrock
- Historian: Aayaan Sood
- Kustos: Kobina Arkaah
- Social Chairman: Jaylin Fitzpatrick
- Brotherhood Chairman: Atticus Cohen
- Scholarship Chairman: Carter Chan
- Community Service Chairman: Connor Louie
- Philanthropy Chairman: Aidan Hymel
- Derby Days Coordinator: Max Hasen, Evan Grim, Keller Kramer
- Athletic Coordinator: James Pernin
- House Manager: Thom Landrok
- Steward: Michael Sandel
Every year, the Theta Omicron Chapter of Sigma Chi executes at least one Philanthropy event and several Community Service Projects per quarter. Our biggest Philanthropy event occurs in Spring Quarter: Derby Days.
Past events include:
- Carving for the Cure: our annual fall philanthropy where we host a pumpkin carving event. All proceeds are donated to the Huntsman Cancer Research Institute.
- Puppy Love: our annual winter philanthropy where the community comes to our house and plays with adoptable dogs from a local humane society.
- Derby Days: our week-long spring philanthropy involving various events and competitions among sororities. We hope to donate over $20,000 to the Huntsman Cancer Research Institute solely from this event in the spring of 2017 for the 4th consecutive year.
The Brotherhood
The members of the Theta Omicron chapter of Sigma Chi seek to uphold the values and aims of their Fraternity. In their quest to live their lives in accordance with Sigma Chi’s foundations, the members are persistent in their pursuit of leadership, campus involvement, and scholarship in a diverse and eclectic group of affiliations.
Their members participate on campus and in the community through different clubs, services, and athletic organizations, including:
The UC Davis Coffee House
UC Davis Study Abroad
The UCD Men's Rugby Club
UC Davis Crew Team
UC Davis Club Baseball
Intramural Sports Champions
American Medical Student Association
The MBA Club
The United States Marine Corps
The United States Navy
The United States Army
Leaders on campus and in the community...
- IFC President '16-'17, David Bronstein
- IFC President '15-'16, Connor Grant
- Internal Affairs Commission Commissioner Lance Hackney
- IFC VP of Activities and Philanthropy Peer Advisor, Marc Etchepare
- ASUCD University Affairs Director '11-'12, Coffee House Supervisor, Baxter Boeh-Sobon
- ASUCD City/County Affairs Office Assistant Director of Policy '10-'11, Kevin Pascual
- ASUCD Lobby Corps Director '10-'11, Aaron Giampietro
- ASUCD Lobby Corps Director '09-10, Order of Omega President '10-'11, Christopher Lewis
- IFC President '09-'10, Ryan Acterberg
- ASUCD Senator, IFC President '08-'09, Order of Omega Vice President, Trevor Taylor "Alumnus"
- ASUCD Senator Winter '08-'09 & IFC President '07-'08, Andrew Bianchi "Alumnus"
- ASUCD Senator, IFC VP of Recruitment '08-'09 & Greeks Against Sexual Assault Board of Directors, Daniel Garret "Alumnus"
- ASUCD Internal Affairs Commission, Nikolas Zeigler
- IFC Past VP of Activities, Scott Surrette "Alumnus"
- California Aggie Columnist, James Noonan "Alumnus"
- California Aggie Columnist, Michael Hower "Alumnus"
- Order of Omega President '08-'09, ASUCD Lobby Corps Director '06-'08, Derick Lennox "Alumnus"
- La Raza Culture Days Co-Chair, Richard Lopez
- ASUCD Lobby Corps Director '05-'06, Michael Caporusso Alumnus
- ASUCD Controller '05-'06, Devin Whitney Alumnus
- ASUCD Office of External Affairs Past Director '05-'07, James Schwab Alumnus
- Davis City Council ex-member, Lamar Heystek Alumnus
Recent and Past Chapter Awards...
- IFC Philanthropy Award 2017
- Alpha Phi's King of Hearts Champions 2017
- Delta Gamma's Anchorsplash Champions 2014-2017
- Tri Delt's Delta Dodgeball Champions 2016
- Kappa Karnival Champions 2016
- Kappa Dash Champions 2016
- IFC Greek Man of the Year 2015-2016: Chris Ma
- Alpha Phi's King of Hearts Champions 2015
- IFC Greek Man of the Year 2011-2012: Kevin Pascual
- IFC House of the Year 2010-2011
- IFC Greek Man of the Year 2010-2011: Ryan Achterberg
- IFC New Membership Development 2010-2011
- IFC Philanthropy and Participation Award 2010-2011
- IFC Alumni Relations Award 2010-2011
- IFC Community Relations and Involvement Award 2010-2011
- Alpha Phi's King of Hearts 2011- 1st Place
- Greek Week 2010-2011- 1st Place with Kappa Kappa Gamma and Chi Phi
- Chapter Excellence Award, Northern California Chapters, 2009-2010
- IFC House of the Year 2009-2010
- IFC Greek Man of the Year: Trevor Taylor 2009-2010
- IFC Philanthropy Award 2009-2010
- Pi Kappa Alpha's Kings of Campus 2010 - 1st Place
- Alpha Phi's King of Hearts 2010- 1st Place
- IFC Membership Development Award 2008-2009
- IFC Greek Man of the Year: Andrew Bianchi 2008-2009
- Alpha Phi's King of Hearts 2009 - 2nd Place
- Pi Beta Phi's Arrow Jam 2009 - 2nd Place
- IFC Membership Development Award 2007-2008
- IFC Greek Man of the Year 2006-2007: Charles Bisesto
- IFC Membership Development Award 2006-2007
- IFC Philanthropy Award 2006-2007
- Alpha Chi Omega Chili Cook-off 2007 - 1st place
- Chapter Excellence Award, Northern California Province 2005-2006
- IFC Membership Development Award 2005-2006
- Alpha Chi Omega Chili Cook-off 2006 - 1st place
- Delta Delta Delta Big Bats 2006 - 2nd place
Alpha Chi Omega's MR. GREEK 2006 - David Heckman
- Alpha Chi Omega Chili Cook-off 2005 - 1st place
To learn more visit:, and Facebook and search for Sigma Chi.
Historical Information
For older or outdated information, visit the historical information.