Streets in some areas of Davis fall under different naming schemes. Read on to discover some of these themes and information about the history of neighborhood development in the city. You may also be interested in what happens when these streets run into each other at intersections.

Please contribute what you can! We hope to eventually have information about each area, not just a list of street names.

photo request: pictures of Davis and campus street signs

Trees line the numbered 3rd Street.


Location: North of Covell and east of Pole Line Description:These streets are in the "Green Meadows" development which is a residential development built in the late 70's. (mostly) History:

Note that, with streets named after Leonardo, Raphael and Michelangelo, Davis is one turtle short of a quartet of heroes in a half shell. This may have happened when Eastman and Laird killed off Donatello for a couple issues. Splinter ended up rejuvenating him later with a slice of pizza.

Bird Species

Location: North Davis Description: History: These streets are part of the Northstar development.

California Counties

Location: East-West streets in Westwood

California Native American

Location: west of Drummond Avenue between Cowell Boulevard and Lillard Drive.


Location: South of Davis Cemetery off of Pole Line Road Description: These are streets in Rancho Yolo Senior Citizen Community mobile home park. (Some of the circular streets, if not all, were replaced by other names though at the end of 2005)


Bidwell Street and Fremont Court are also circular streets, but they don't have the circular name feature. (As featured in the 1976 Yearbook of Agriculture (left) and a recent photo from Bing Map's "birds eye view" (right))

Colleges and Universities

Western Group

Location: Mostly around Cesar Chavez Elementary School Description: History:

Eastern Group

Description: These are the famous schools not already used in the above area. Location: Near Valley Oak Elementary School History:

English Alphabet

Letter-only streets

Location: North-South streets emanating from the center of Davis. Description: These streets make up the downtown and surrounding area. They are named after letters in the English alphabet, and go in English alphabetical order, as so:

Alphabetical street names

Location: Several separate series of alphabetical East-West streets north of West Covell Boulevard. Description: These streets make up much of the residential area north of West Covell between Highway 113 and Pole Line Road. They go in English alphabetical order, as so (series in West-to-East order):

  • Alvarado series:
    • Alvarado Avenue
    • Bianco Court
    • Corona Drive
    • Diego Place
    • Equador Place
    • Flamenco Place
    • [No G in this series]
    • Hermosa Place
    • Isla Place
  • Anza series 1:
    • Anza Avenue
    • Barbera Place
    • Cordova Place
    • Del Oro Place
    • Estrella Place
    • Francisco Place
  • Anza series 2 (the first part of which is copied from streets in San Francisco):
    • Anza Avenue
    • Balboa Avenue
    • Cabrillo Avenue
    • Del Oro Avenue
    • Encina Avenue
    • Fiesta Avenue
    • Grande Avenue
  • Iris series
    • Iris Place
    • Jardin Place
    • [No K in this series]
    • Lago Place
    • Mercedes Avenue
  • Grande series
    • Grande Avenue
    • Hidalgo Place
    • Inca Place
    • Leon Place / Lindo Place
    • Mercedes Avenue
  • Aurora series
    • Aurora Avenue
    • Baja Avenue
    • Cortez Avenue
    • Diablo Avenue
    • El Cajon Avenue
    • Faro Avenue
    • Guayamas Place
    • Huerta Place
    • Ipanema Place
    • Jalisco Place
    • [No K in this series]
    • Luz Place
  • Alta Loma series (North-South streets, listed from East to West):
    • Alta Loma Street
    • Benicia Court
    • Camino Court
    • Del Rey Court
    • Espana Court
    • Fortuna Court

Landmarks, Monuments, Mountains and National Parks

Local People

Location: Various Description: These streets are named after historically notable local people. Some distinction between Farmers and Ranchers and Non-Farmers and Ranchers may not be accurate. History: Varies by individual

Farmers and Ranchers

Streets in the City of Davis
Streets On Campus

Non-Farmers and Ranchers

Streets In the City of Davis
Streets on Campus

J.R.R. Tolkien

Location: Village Homes in West Davis Description: See information on the wiki's Hobbit page. History:

Maritime Names and Places

Location: West Davis Description: Apparently, this theme is related to Stonegate Lake, with all of the Nautical words enhancing the "street" cred of the Stonegate Country Club. History:


Location: Downtown & Old North Davis Description: History:First through Fifth bounded by A and H are part of the original Core Area; Fifth through Eighth is the "Bowers Addition," or Old North Davis, while Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh were constructed just after World War II. Twelfth and Fourteenth came along not too long after. As Davis grew eastward, the streets were extended first into what some people call "Old East Davis," and then northward as the city grew. East of the tracks, the numbered streets only go from Second to Eighth.


Location: West of Highway 113; bordered by Village Homes, Russell Blvd., and Lake Blvd. Description: These streets mark the West Manor subdivision of homes built by Stanley Davis Co. in the late 1970s. The streets are named for well-known and not-so-well-known rivers around the globe.

Spanish Names and Places

Location: North of Covell and east of Anderson. Description: Well Spanish names and places are used on streets all around Davis, but there is an especially dense cluster here. History:


Western Group

Location: Near Davis Senior High School and East Description: History:

Eastern Group

Location: East of F Street Description: History:

Southern Group

Location: to the south and east of Willowcreek Park, north of the Tank House History: These are on the land that once was the Ricci Farm

and in (or east of) Willowbank:

Other Tree Streets

Both of these have a number of olive trees lining the streets, adding natural beauty to Davis.

U.S. Presidents

Location: Just west of 113, north of Russell. Description: They mingle a bit with the California County Streets. History: