Construction, September 2010: Left Campbell, Center Wall, Right Potter
Tercero South Phase II was the second of three phases in the construction of Tercero South. It involved the construction of three four-story residence halls—Wall Hall, Campbell Hall, and Potter Hall—providing beds for 579 freshmen and 12 RAs. It is located south of the Tercero Dining Commons on the corner of Dairy Road and La Rue Road. The total approved budget for Phase II was $55,168,000. The building cost per bed was estimated at $71,244. Funding for the construction came from University of California Housing System revenues and external financing (loans).
Tercero South II opened in Fall 2010, with the first batch of freshmen to grace the three buildings being the graduating class of 2014. The buildings match Laben Hall and Kearney Hall in style and color, and share a small courtyard similar to that between Laben and Kearney.
One of the purely aesthetic features of the new dorms is an incredibly large metal-framed awning hanging over the side of Wall hall next to Laben. The awning shelters students from rain and sun, and roofs a large glass-walled lounge for all of Tercero II.
Much like the dorms in Phase One of Tercero South, many of these dorms are perfectly situated to catch the best whiff of the Essence of Davis.
A computer rendering looking north toward the DC
2009-01-26 01:45:19 The Tercero DC is going to be so crowded when these buildings open up! —OscarSabino
2009-06-22 02:17:06 where is Tercero III? —BryceH
- From what I've been told, they are planning on tearing down either Leach Hall or Thille Hall and Pierce Hall in order to make room for Tercero III (the buildings would be more matches of Laben and Kearney). —AshleyMatson
2009-12-12 17:44:29 Seventy-thousand dollars for each allotment of space that can be occupied by a student seems a little steep. Maybe it's just me though? —hankim
2009-12-20 00:05:58 So does anyone know how these guys are spending $55 million on a WOOD FRAME building? For that price, I'd expect steel frame construction. —WilliamLewis
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