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2018-11-01 22:41:36   So, do you think this is you winning the case over? By force? Just keep deleting it? Am afraid you still have a lesson to learn... Just tell us your motive, who you really are, how this is affecting you, because clearly, it is. —ConstantiaOomen

2018-11-01 22:47:59   And again, maybe you should study this Wikipedia page. If you continue like this, some journalist may pick up an interest again: (because to most people, $1.5 million is a lot of money, so this wasn't exactly your small pees case too). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effectConstantiaOomen

2018-11-02 07:19:24   If you believe part of the article is not true, please edit it to be true rather than delete everything. The story has a source and there are more sources available like "The Aggie." I never heard of this story before the edits but now awareness is being raised again. Reporting on a news article or a criminal conviction is allowed and many details are public record. —ToddGlenn