Brandon, I assume you are the actual owner of Nutrishop. You might want to refrain from leaving "confrontational" comments on your own business page (or any pages for that matter). It's not showing you in a very positive light to the community at large. Keep in mind that this is not technically a business "opinion" site such as Yelp. It is a community resource that is literally owned by the entire Davis community. The page you are editing is like a history text that will exist in some form for a very, very, very long time. People on this site really truly want to be your friend and help you grow your business, if it is a good member of the wiki family. Please don't make the mistake that many wiki newbies have made ahead of you (including me) and think that you are going to somehow make the Davis Wiki work the way you want. It's more like the town of Davis itself. - DM

  • Also, this is your personal page where you can introduce yourself to the wiki community. It's considered rude for other people to mess with this page unless some form of abuse is suspected.

Oh, and Welcome!