Should we black out davis wiki tomorrow in opposition to SOPA / PIPA? Wikipedia's announced they're blacking out (shutting down) all of English Wikipedia on Wednesday to protest SOPA/PIPA, which changes the game quite a bit. Should we participate in a site-wide blackout?


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Draft text for a potential blackout can be found here — help!

I favor a day's blackout still. Show solidarity. Its good for the Internet. —JT

Agreed 100%. SOPA is a bit of legislative insanity. Anything that brings attention to that fact is a good thing in my mind. —TomGarberson

I would like a fair amount of support before doing this (or any other similar wiki-wide act), but yes: it would be a good idea. —jw

Let's do it. —WilliamLewis

2012-01-17 16:02:36   Do it! —ChrisDietrich

It's certainly a vital matter. I just would like to hear opinions on Twitter's non-participatory stance. —BruceHansen

  • How would that relate to our decision? -jw
  • My understanding is that Twitter will be participating in some form tomorrow, though not a blackout. Similarly, Google will be participating with a link on their home page. —PhilipNeustrom

2012-01-17 19:53:38   Agree. Do it. —EdWins

2012-01-17 20:35:05   Most definitely, & I'm terrified of a day without the internet, so that's a big definitely. :) —Davidlm

2012-01-17 21:02:59   Wikipedia has gone black. As has Google. Seems they used United States East Coast, which makes sense given the fact that it's the US Congress. —JabberWokky

2012-01-17 21:21:49   I can't say I'm in favor of blacking out. Do we do this for EVERY Internet-based bill that comes up around the globe now? The precedent being set here is not good for the internet. At what proposal do we NOT 'show solidarity' then? A discussion for afterwards, yes, it is too late now with the consensus of the admins...but it is a good question to think about during the blackout: how far is too far? —JeffWood

2012-01-17 21:22:37   I'm in favor of the blackout. —SimonFung

2012-01-17 23:10:21   in favor. —MeggoWaffle

2012-01-17 23:19:55   I've seen the Wikipedia and Google pages. (Don't see anything on Twitter yet.) I think all of these actions from various sites will have an impact, and that's perhaps my biggest consideration. Yes! Join in together with the others! —BruceHansen