Zachary Hansen is a candidate for ASUCD Senate in the FALL 2010 ASUCD Election running on the LEAD slate

Candidate Statement and Activities

Hello Aggies! My name is Zach Hansen, and I am an ASUCD Senate candidate running with the Leadership Empowerment Activism and Determination (L.E.A.D) slate this fall. I am a fifth year pre-med Psychology major and a former member of the Men’s Swimming & Diving Team. I am running for ASUCD Senate in order to further what the students of the past began, represent our current students, and protect the future students. As a senator, I will listen to your ideas for campus and work to make Davis the best UC.




Member of the NCAA Men's Swimming & Diving Team UC Davis Intercollegiate Athletics

Student Director of Save UCD Sports

Moderator/Organizer ASUCD 2010 Public Forum on the Elimination of Sports Teams at UC Davis



Protect Student Money: Institute a student control board for $15 million in student fees that do to UCD Intercollegiate Athletics

We need more accountability in our ICA department. Student initiative (SSMF, SASI, FACE, and CEI) fees provide the majority of funding for athletics and, as such, we have a right to know how that money is being spent and to hold our administrators accountable.

Bring Back the Brown Bag Lunch: Put together a monthly lunch with students and our Chancellor

There is a massive disconnect between students and Mrak Hall administrators. To work on this, former Chancellor Vanderhoef would have lunch with the students in the MU. It is time to bring this back and foster a civil, human discussion.

Assist Student Groups with Events: Help with the logistics and regulation of organizing events at UC Davis.

Anyone who has ever tried to put on an event here knows just how complicated the path is. There are not many better ways to bring our community together, and there's no more challenging way to do it either. Having a little experience and some help goes a long way in cutting through the red tape.