
 The subject of this entry no longer exists in Davis or is a former version of something that came afterwards.All information here is for historical reference only.


The Brothers of Zeta Psi, Spring 2018



Instagram: @zetapsidavis

Contact Email
z[email protected]

Nationally Founded 1847

UC Davis Original Chartering 1981

UC Davis Rechartering 2014



As of 2020, the local chapter is no longer active.


Our Mission:

Zeta Psi strives to be the most well-rounded fraternity on campus. Our excellence in brotherhood, academic achievement, and philanthropy yields both the admiration and the envy of others.

The Crest of Zeta Psi


"Zeta Psi is a historic, elite, and intimate brotherhood. Since 1847 we have taken pride in the caliber of schools we are at and the quality of men we invite to join. Zeta Psi is established at the best schools in the United States and Canada, and from them, recruits the finest of men — leaders, scholars, athletes, and philanthropists. It is possible to find brothers wearing letters on the street who you’ve never met and have an instant friend and a great conversation — because each brother cares deeply about being a Zete and the brotherhood.

A uniquely valuable sense of community stems from our intimate size and elite style that groups with 100, 200 or more chapters—at any campus that requests membership—can’t match. That sense of real brotherhood is very important to us, and it’s why we have such involved, life-long alumni. There was an active chapter at UC Davis from 1981 to 1998 called the Iota Delta chapter. The Iota Delta chapter gave us many spectacular alumni, many of which live close by and are excited to help the new chapter grow and become prevalent in Davis.

The current Iota Delta chapter was re-founded at Davis on May 17th, 2014. Since then, the brotherhood has grown to become a leading fraternity on campus excelling in academics, athletics, and philanthropy. The brothers of UC Davis Zeta Psi actively strive to continue improving themselves, the chapter, their campus, and their community. The sense of brotherhood at Zeta Psi cannot be matched and will continue to live on in the decades to come."



Brothers' Ski TripZeta Psi Christmas Dinner

Zeta Psi fraternity revolves around the principles of true lifelong brotherhood. Zetes come together to have fun, enjoy life, get the most out of college, better ourselves and form lifelong bonds of brotherhood. Despite all the fun that college brings, the main reason you came to school is to get an education with the hopes of that translating to success in life. However, a great many of the things you need in life—to get by, have fun, and ultimately succeed — aren’t taught in class. All our brothers can attest that you get more than the necessary knowledge, experience, and skill from Zeta Psi. The result: better and more successful men with great memories, lifelong friends and the best experience you can have in college or beyond.







Stay Tuned!

Fall 2014 New InitiatesSpring 2015 New InitiatesFall 2015 New InitiatesSpring 2016 New InitiatesFall 2017 New InitiatesSpring 2017 New InitiatesFall 2018 New InitiatesWinter 2018 New InitiatesSpring 2018 New InitiatesFall 2019 IniitiatesWinter 2019 initiates


Spring 2019 Initiates





As a fraternity, Zeta Psi hosts at least one philanthropy event per quarter. On top of putting on their own philanthropy events, they also actively participate in other philanthropies put on by different organizations. Giving back is one of the main attributes of being a Zete, and the men of Zeta Psi do so with much enthusiasm. Some of Zeta Psi's philanthropic contributions include:

  • 2015 Zeta Psi Charity Ball Soccer Tournament
  • 2016 Zeta Psi Glow Run for Make-A-Wish Foundation
  • 2016 Runner-Up in Pi Beta Phi's Arrowjam Philanthropy
  • 2016 Champions in Delta Delta Delta's Dodgeball Tournament Philanthropy
  • 2016 Zeta Psi Curbside Cookout for Make-A-Wish Foundation
  • 2016 Runner-Up in Delta Gamma's Anchor Splash Philanthropy
  • 2017 Champions in Pi Beta Phi's Arrowjam Philanthropy
  • 2017 Champions in Kappa Kappa Gamma's Karnival Philanthropy
  • 2017 Zeta Psi Howl-o-Week for Northern California Fire Relief

2015 Glow Run for Make-A-WishZeta Psi Brothers setting up for Glow RunGlow Run Photo Booth


2017 Pi Phi Arrowjam Champions2015 Delta Dodgeball Champions


Fraternity Officers:

The Badge of Zeta Psi

The Flag of Zeta Psi


Zeta Psi - Creating Better Brothers Across the Globe



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