The City of Davis will give each household (not apartment dwellers) a compost bin for $10, along with great literature on how to compost and recycle.

The compost bin used to be given for free, but as of July 2010 there is a $10 fee are in place to help defray some of the cost of these items. The backyard compost bins have almost doubled in price within the past few years. Due to budget issues, the City Recycling Program is no longer able to cover the entire cost of the compost bins. The $10 fee for compost bins reduces the cost and enables the City to continue distributing these compost bins to residents.

The bin consists of a 5' x 3' sheet of heavy black plastic with holes in it so the organic material can drain, breathe and decompose. The plastic sheet comes rolled up, so it is easy to carry on a bike. When you set it up in your yard, you can make the bin as small as you need simply by overlapping more of the plastic.

According to DavisRecycling: The City of Davis offers a year-round compost correspondence course to Davis residents in single-family homes. To enroll, call the Public works Department (757-5686) to request a compost packet mailed to your home. Once you receive the packet, read the materials inside, fill out the enclosed quiz and return the quiz to the Public Works Department. A city staff-person will contact you to let you know that your quiz was received and that your compost bin is available for pick-up. A $10 fee will be charged for a compost bin.

Visions of the Bin

The compost bin rolled up, ready for easy transport! Instructions on how to set up the bin The compost bin in all its glory

Actually, these pictures show the old compost bins that the City used to give out. These compost bins were discontinued by the manufacturer and are no longer available. The ones currently given out are very similar, but with smaller holes. They are also made from recycled plastic.


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2010-04-24 15:12:24   Any idea how I can get one of these? —JenniferCook

2010-04-24 15:48:11   I'd start with the Community Services Department. If they don't do it themselves, I'm sure they can point you in the right direction. Be sure to post on here when you get details! —TomGarberson

2010-04-24 16:01:26   It would have helped for me to do 5 seconds of research before I posted this comment. The compost page has the answer! —JenniferCook