Little is known about the Cowboy Guy other than that he disregards all types of weather in perpetual favor of cowboy attire — pants, long-sleeved shirt, pointed boots, hat, and vest. He is often seen ambling to the Davis Food Co-op along East 8th Street. He has a certain swagger, and is always cheerful and polite.

Cowboy Guy is named Mark and he lives near the Co-op. He's happy to sit and talk about his life, his take on the world and why he's so happy. He's one of the more genuine Davis Town Characters who enjoys all that's going on in Davis. One of the nicest things about Mark, is how upbeat and positive he is. He writes poems, one of which will be included on this page soon. An updated photo is forthcoming.

"Cowboy Mark" has lived in Davis off and on since 1970. He grew up near Tulsa, OK, and still has family there. Today, Mark lives in a safe and sober living environment with others in Davis. He enjoys various Davis parks but also William Land Park in Sacramento which has the Zoo. He enjoys ambling around, greeting people and sharing coffee time.

He has some good stories to tell and wants to post a new picture of himself for his friends.

Cowboy Mark at the Davis Co-op, 6/4/2013

Cowboy Guy sitting on a bench in front of the Davis Food Co-op.

According to reports, he resembles John Muir (pictured above). Not a bad look!


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I've seen him out of uniform?! once and it blew my mind, took me 5 seconds to realize who he was. —StevenDaubert

He reminds me of John Muir. :)

That's actually very close to his look, white beard and everything —StevenDaubert

2008-09-30 11:49:55   One of my favorite characters in town. I tend to refer to him as the loping man because his swagger has a bit of drawl to it, a slow ambling gait with a hint of "I'm too sexy"—not sure how that equates with loping, but it's the first word that comes to mind when I see him. Great guy, always smiling and cheerful to talk to—though I've only ever had the briefest of exchanges...just pleasantries "Nice day to be in the sun." "Morning!" etc.


2009-03-29 17:05:27   This guy is so nice. My three year old always calls him "Santa" when we see him in front of the Co-op and he totally plays along! —jwendt

2013-06-07 13:55:00   Mark welcomes anyone and everyone who is cool, welcoming and inclusive. What's wrong with that, huh? —fknochenhauer