503 4th Street
8AM-7pm, Monday - Thursday, Friday 8AM - 4PM, Saturday 9AM - 2PM, Sunday by appointment

**Note: Downtown Chiropractic moved as of September 15, 2011 to 503 4th Street, Davis.**

Downtown Chiropractic, owned and operated by Ray Spore, & Dr. Dan Walker, offers chiropractic adjustment and massage therapy services. Good people, reasonably priced, excellent service. Free wireless Internet while you wait.

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How was your experience at Downtown Chiropractic?

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2006-12-07 13:57:44   Experts in their field, they have been my chiropractor/massage theurapist for years. —DougBarbieri

2006-06-23 14:55:33   Wonderful chiropractic and massage. Highly recommend this pair of seasoned professionals. Dr. Spore also teaches his craft, so you know you are getting expert work for your back and body health. —RichardCarrillo

2007-01-30 15:47:25   I came in after a car accident and was very disappointed. He didn't really examine me before doing adjustments, even though I had just been injured. His advice about pain and headaches was to "blow off steam" by exercising - something subsequent doctors have advised against, since it makes the pain worse. He gave no explanation of what he was doing and gave no further suggestions. —SarahFarnsworth

2008-01-01 10:46:36   I called Downtown Chiropractic many times to schedule an appointment. Their short-staffed office led me to leaving several voicemails on their answering machine, without a response until weeks later. When they called me, I was at work and couldn't answer my cell phone, so they left me a voicemail apologizing because they thought someone in the office had already returned my call and to call them back if I was still interested in being seen. During my break at around 11am, I decided to call them back to schedule an appointment only to find the answering machine again. At 2pm, I decided to take my 30 minute lunch break from work and walk over to the office to schedule an appointment. From my disappointment, I found a message at their office door saying that they would return at 2:30pm. Scheduling an appointment should not be this difficult. From reading the positive comments on Daviswiki, I would have liked to experience their chiropractic care for myself, but due to administrative reasons, I will never go back to Downtown Chiropractic again. —SmartenU

2009-04-13 15:29:24   Had chronic pain in my neck and Ray was able to quickly examine and realign my neck. Feels much better now. Also very affordable and friendly. I recommend this guy. —bukj303

2009-05-11 13:48:36   I am a very active, athletic, and outdoorsy person guiding outdoor adventures, etc. I also, unfortunately, spend a lot of time as a desk-jockey. I had back and neck problems for several years prior to moving to Davis and tried lots of different things between Medical Doctors, physical therapists, etc. to keep my body in balance and functioning for all of my activity. I also tried a number of different Chiropractors between Davis and the Bay Area. I started seeing Dr. Spore 5.5 years ago and because of him my life has changed. If I didn't have Dr. Spore in my life, I could not fully function. With his adjustments and Caren Spore's (www.massagebycaren.com) massage therapy and core strengthening exercises, I've become a completely new person. Prior to seeing Dr. Spore, for 2 years I had terrible sciatica and could barely reach my knees when bending over. I have not had sciatic symptoms for years now and I can touch the back of my hands to the ground. I recommend him very highly!!!! —sileneverecunda

2011-10-03 08:56:44   Dr. Ray saved my live! I had been having leg pain for almost 2 years and saw a slew of doctors who had no clue what was wrong with me. After going through many medical tests, which were both painful and expensive, I decided to seek alternative ways of thinking to weigh in on this. When I went to see Dr. Ray, he knew exactly what was wrong with me and had me fixed up within a month, seeing him once a week. After 2 years of pain this was life changing! Not only did Dr. Ray completely get rid of my leg pain, he did it with a great attitude and understanding heart. He is the reason I will be able to dance at my wedding! Thanks Dr. Ray :) —ElyseO

2011-10-21 11:12:54   Wonderful! Ray is an amazing chiropractor. The first time I went to a chiropractor in New York I was only 6 (30 years ago). I've been going to various chiropractors my whole life and have never found anyone as good as my family Chiropractor in NY; Until now! Ray has a great energy. He seems to know exactly where I'm out and has me fixed up quickly and on my way. I will be getting regular tune-ups from now. Thanks so much for your wonderful work. —elissa

2012-05-14 13:32:45   I am not sure if massage or wifi are offered in the new location on 4th Street. I AM sure that both Dr. Dan Walker and Dr. Raymond Spore are good at what they do and all around great guys. —GordonCaulkins