Friends Urging Campus Kindness (backronyzed from "F.U.C.K.") was an ASUCD political slate in the energetic Winter 2005 ASUCD Election. They ran seven Senate Candidates for the ASUCD Senate. Candidates Rob Roy and Kristen Birdsall were elected. The slate evolved from the SOSSS slate that ran in the Fall 2004 elections, and the driving philosophy behind the candidate selection was "Hey, you — you should run for Senate! Anyone's better than who we've got now!"
In winter of 2006, likely due to disagreement regarding the unqualified candidates issue of the fall 2005 election, slate members Rob Roy and Kristen Birdsall renounced their affiliation with the Friends slate and declared themselves independents. As the only two elected members of the slate, this action means there are no longer any official Friends Urging Campus Kindness members in office.
It was a slate with real issues and a platform. The slate updated its platform page as the year progressed so students could see how the slate was keeping its campaign promises.
Check out some controversy here
General Information
The slate began the early stages of its campaign during the very first day of Winter quarter, 2005. and began speaking to groups, tabling, and producing campaign flyers and spray-painted t-shirts during the second week. They had become a prominent third party in UC Davis Politics.
The slate won 2 of the 8 available Senate seats in the Winter 2005 ASUCD Election, and candidate Rob Roy was elected in the first round. This showed a clear mandate for the slate and its policies. Candidate Kristen Birdsall, is another Friend who was elected and both are wiki regulars.
Friends Urging Campus Kindness Issues is an official list of what the slate supports in student government.
For a more in depth discussion of these issues and our current progress, consult the Friends Urging Campus Kindness Platform.
These issues can be summed up in three important points:
- Open and Accessible Student Government
- Services for All Students
- Emphasize Good Business Practices
The slate's name was chosen because it forms the acronym "F.U.C.K." and RevChad wanted to know if The California Aggie would acronyze it like they do with L.E.A.D. The answer to this is no, as explained in Ryan Fuller's column in The California Aggie.
Friends Urging Campus Kindness Official Candidates
All affiliates of the slate are named Official Candidates, as a matter of tradition. They are, in random order:
Sen. Rob Roy -
Senator Kristen Birdsall - Pedro "Pete" Hernandez, EAC Commissioner
- Chad Van Schoelandt, IAC Commissioner
- Brent Laabs
- Paul Ivanov, GASC Commissioner
- Robert Baron, CalPIRG, IAC Recorder
- Paul Amnuaypayoat, Libertarian
- Marie Huynh
- "Twiggie" Rood
- Barnabas Truman, Ancient Order of Walkers.
- Anthony Parisi, IAC Commissioner
- Teresa Kenny
- Mohammad Yahya Rouhani
- AndrewLeonardoBianchi (a Senator on the LEAD slate, 3 years later, back with the Friends for the 4th?)
- Daniel Reilly
- Allan Rae
- Aisha Nouh
- Jon D'souza
- Scott Ritchie
- Gavin Jensen
- Joseph Stewart
- Maxwell Kappes
You may also find Urgers talking to Kris Fricke or Jonathon Leathers a lot. Rest assured that they are impartial and therefore not on our side.
Contact the Slate
During the campaign the slate had office "Hours on the Quad," an idea which many past senate candidates have promised. Their senators currently hold office hours on the Quad during lunch at least once a week.
During the campaign, you could look for the "Friends Urging Campus Kindness" towel taped to a table. A major goal of this tabling activity is to talk to students and find out what issues are important to them, and use this information to for a "Platform of the People." Friends Urging Campus Kindness also uses this time to make campaign shirts for anyone who brings them a shirt to spray paint with one of their selection of stencils and many color options.
Rob Roy also kept a detailed livejournals about his doing as a Senator. Rob Roy's Senate LJ. Kristen Birdsall began one but didn't keep up with it for long.
You can e-mail them at [email protected] e-mail Rob Roy at [email protected] or type to him on aim: robroy10280 Email Paul Ivanov at [email protected] or IM him: Pavel UCD
You also can find them at Senate Meetings, as there is some evidence that they attend regularly.
Past Events
"Big Brother Rocks You" was the name of the event that Students for an Orwellian Society called the concert on the MU patio on February 23. The Playboy Millionaires performed and in between songs, candidates spoke about the importance of voting. Rob Roy also perform a verse from his rap live!
Music Video
Official Candidate Rob Roy has made a most awesome music video! See the Friends Urging Campus Kindness take on other other slates, as well as their platform in rap music form. You might want to avoid this if you have virgin ears. Watch it on YouTube; it's also available for download.
- "Other slates have robbed the senate, but we want to Rob it. Vote Rob Roy!
- "With us, Reform is a Norm."
- "They Campaigned in the Dorms; We Campaign to Reform"
Editorials & Articles
- Aggie Feature - 'Friends' urge accountability.
- Aggie's Ian Watson: The Urgers are coming! ("Vote Friends Urging Campus Kindness.").
- The Aggie has endorsed Rob Roy and Rev. Chad Van Schoelandt.
- Current Senator Adam Gerber has endorsed Rob Roy and Rev. Chad Van Schoelandt and has offered to bleed for Friends Urging Campus Kindness.
- KenBloom has endorsed Mohammad Yahya Rouhani and Chad Van Schoelandt he has done so much in the way of elections reform
Endorsement-like statements
2005-01-15 17:50:16 Rob Roy for U.S. President —AdamBarr
- "SOSSS rocks my world!! I'm all about Checkers." - Christina Chin
- "I love Checkers" - Senator Brianna Haag
- "Long live Checkers" - Parisa Manteghi
- "I love Checkers" - Derrick Prodigalidad
- "Jonathon Leathers is a good guy" -George Andrews once said to Rev. Chad and recently reaffirmed
- "Rob Roy has an awesome hat!" - Senator Eric Fox
- "I endorse F.U.C.K. They put the F.U.C.K. back into the Party." RobertBaron
- "This is a very elaborate platform. I likes." — Senator Janine Fiel
- "Rob Roy made amazing points" - Senator Sapana Shende
- "F.U.C.K. might be a catchy name" - Senator Ari Kalfayan
- "I need you all the time." said a concerned student to Rev. Chad Van Schoelandt. The student clarified that the need was to "protect me from Focus."
- "He has done so much in the way of elections reform" - KenBloom about Rev. Chad Van Schoelandt
- " Vote Friends Urging Campus Kindness" - Ian Watson1
- "The whole F.U.C.K. slate has definitely renewed my faith in democracy in action." - BrandonKeene
Responses to "Will you vote for Rob Roy and Friends Urging Campus Kindness?"
- "Fuck yeah!" - Adam Barr
- "Why the fuck not?" - Levale Simpson
Past Campaigns
Winter 2005 Official Candidates
These people ran in the Winter 2005 ASUCD Election.
- Rob Roy
- Teresa Kenny
- Pedro "Pete" Hernandez
- Kristen Birdsall
- Mohammad Yahya Rouhani
- Chad Van Schoelandt who ran in the last election with SOSSS
- Paul Ivanov
They supported a couple independent candidates, specifically:
- Avanindar "Avi" Singh
- Jonathon Leathers
- Friends Urging Campus Kindness also supports the troops but does not support military recruiters
For the Presidential race, they have decided to support the L.E.A.D. candidates who have been very helpful to the Friends in making election reform. "These particular Leadites are considered good people, so vote for them".
They also have a list of campaign managers which includes:
- Brent Laabs who was a campaign manager for SOSSS last election
- Chris Rood who ran in the last election with SOSSS
- Anthony Parisi who was a SOSSS groupie in the last election
- Marie Huynh who ran in the last election with SOSSS
They have two campaign advisors giving advice on the crucial issues in the swing frats.
- Paul Amnuaypayoat who is a Libertarian and Atheist, so doesn't really believe in anything.
- Barnabas Truman who represents the opinions of the Ancient Order of Walkers.
Note that there is no head campaign manager, resulting in much chaos and furthering the myth that this slate is composed of a bunch of discordians. They have no official relation to the Campus Crusade for Chaos and Confusion, not that such an organization exists or anything.
Most importantly, their official mascot is Yev, also nicknamed "Checkers".
Rob Roy for Senate
Very early in the campaign a "Rob Roy for Senate" wiki page was made. And a Rob Roy for Senate group (which has now been transformed into a Rob Roy for Mayor group).
Here are some of the pro Rob Roy banners:
The Slate Reborn?
On a pleasant Monday afternoon, near the start of the Fall 2006 finals week, there was a gathering in the halls of the ASUCD floor of the Memorial Union, the subject at hand was the need of another organization to push for reform in the senate, rather than reuse the same organization which admittedly belonged to former students, a new organization is being developed, please see Friends Urging Campus Kindness, Education and Diversity, have a nice day.
The Slate Re-Reborn?
Not really, but ASUCD Senator Maxwell Kappes has now self-affiliated himself with the slate until he gets bored or receives a "Cease and Desist" letter.
2005-02-02 17:56:47 Added personal endorsement —AbbyLawson
2005-02-10 08:39:30 All of Olson was chalked today by Teresa, Kristen, and myself —PaulIvanov
2005-02-10 08:59:05 If you'd like to help with chalking next week contact either myself, Paul or Rob —KristenBirdsall
2005-02-10 09:51:49 Steal this party. —SirPallas
2005-02-15 23:55:11 how would one steal such a thing? —MarieHuynh
2005-02-18 14:18:35 Heh I like that Ari Kalfayan's "endorsement like statement" got in here. I think I had something else to say but I forget. Did Ian Watson make an endorement-like statement in his article about how he agreed with you guys on something (and coined the term "Urgers") ... and what about "Get the Urge!" as a slogan? —KrisFricke
An anonymous individual alledges that some of the tape used by "Friends.." caused paint to peel off their door. The said allegation is suspeciously close to some other allegations that Student Focus candidates had ripped down Friends.. flyers.
I'm glad that's done with, but I still think the Ghandi comparisons need to stop. It's sacreligious, and nothing short.
2005-02-21 20:16:40 The Ghandi comparison seems to be true, and it doesn't seem to be sacrilegious as we do not hold Ghandi to be sacred. —RevChad
You may not, but out of respect to others, you should not be saying things like that.
2005-02-22 07:41:02 Jesus Christ, Chad. I walk away for a couple days and you start insulting religions. I just spent a weekend at Pantheacon, and they had now problem being tolerant of other religions — I heard less Christian bashing there than I normally hear at campus. I'll straighten these guys out when I get back. —BrentLaabs
2005-09-11 10:19:52 I think Ghandi would be pleased. He was all about kindness, and friends, and spreading kindness and compassion. I believe he would have seen Rob's endorsement as a sign of respect and affection. He was an extremely intelligent man, of course. —SteveDavison
2005-01-18 19:00:03 Impartial would mean being on the ASUCD Court and not sending out mass messages to ASUCD Slate facebook groups. No one talked about getting fired. I was an impartial third party member and now i am an impartial independent and I chose to confirm the members of two different political parties to senate because I thought it was the right thing to do. People should stop acting paranoid or childish because it is becoming contagious and has rubbed off on me. The session will be open. The elections committee had a closed session a few weeks ago and no one was fired. Kris Fricke has gone through a closed session and was not fired. Why would anyone think they would be getting fired. Does someone think they have done something that is worthy of it. I would hope not, all the senate intended to do when calling the closed session was investigate. So lets hold our horses and wait for tomorrow before we come to conclusions. If you want to know what the senate will do before that then visit the Davis Psychic, maybe they are still open - but you can certainly do it before 5:30 tomorrow.
2006-01-29 23:40:27 Why is the Friends Urging Campus Kindness facebook group, founded by Rob Roy, now just advertising his City Council Election? Can't we make him dissolve the group or something, so a non-Friend isn't using it? —MaxMikalonis
2007-04-05 22:11:12 In an alarmingly prescient manner, FUCK managed to predict the implications of the ASUCD Court Verdict that was just released. —MaxMikalonis
- What? -JimSchwab
2008-10-16 03:56:18 I just spent the last few hours reading about F.U.C.K. and I love everything it stands for, I would greatly support the revival of this slate! Any old members still around wanna revive it legally? I'd definitely volunteer to help out! —mperkel
1. Ian Watson also stated, "So when I watched the Star Wars movies again I realized that the Empire could very well be the good guy." Thus the Urgers were endorsed by the same guy who endorsed the Empire.
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