Candice Lynn Rodriguez is a person who is alive in Denton.


I was born January 27th,1988! Raised here in Denton, Tx all my life...I think I am one of the few people around here that doesn't want to just get the hell out of dodge. I love going to the bar Riprocks and Hooligans. I like to stay busy so it is hard to make last minutes plans with me. I like to go out dancing with my girls whenever possible. I went to Robert E. Lee Elementary, Strickland Middle School, and Denton High School. Graduated 2006.


Father: Noe N. Rodriguez, Currently married to Walsie Rodriguez (awesome step-mother)

Mother: Sheila A. Rodriguez (Smith)


           Noe J. Rodriguez (Full Brother)

Michael S. Rodriguez (Half Brother)

Justin M. Rodriguez (Half Brother)

Michael Morgan (Step Brother)

Perry Rideout (Step-Brother)

No sisters

Children: Edward Earl McQuade III April 10th 2007

Evalynn Rose McQuade October 2nd 2009

I do have a pretty extensive 'family' lol but who doesn't. Sara-Raye Rainey Is basically my sister, known her for ten years now. She is awesome sauce..