What do you know about Charles Lambert house?

In the Boston-Edison Historic District at 611 West Boston Boulevard is the former home of Charles Lambert, President of the Regal Motor Car Co.  It was built in 1912 as Italian Renaissance Revival.  For an image, see post #28 (scroll down) in the thread at detroityes.com.  Subsequently, the mansion is more commonly known as the former home of Ossip Gabrilowitsch, the first permanent conductor of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, 1918-36, and his wife, Clara Clemens.  She was a mezzo-soprano and daughter of Samuel Clemens ("Mark Twain") while he was a pianist, as well.  Thanks to him, Orchestra Hall was built. An unpublished story by Twain was found in the attic by later owners and turned over to the Detroit Public Library for the Burton Historical Collection.  Part of the Historic Boston-Edison Association (HBEA) driving/walking tour.  Please do not disturb the current resident(s).