All major features will have a page on this site.  Here are all in-progress features:

Pages tagged “feature branch”

Add new "feature branch"

Being in this list doesn't mean the result will be integrated into the core LocalWiki code, but it is a good indication.  Please give feedback!

Please see the issue tracker and the milestones there to see what's actually in the pipeline for releases.

Thought pages

The following are pages that sketch out ideas and general thoughts around functionality.  These are just thoughts, and are not necessarily going to be implemented to integrated into the LocalWiki code.

Feel free to create a page with a proposal or braindump or anything!  And then send it out to the mailing list.

See the big mess of ideas page for, well, a bunch of links to random braindumps.

PLEASE NOTE that a lot of these pages are just braindumps!