List under development
People who lived in or near Kingstown/Dun Laoghaire and made a worthwhile contribution.
Most of these have not been filled out. Please help to fill more of them.
Only those with a continuous underline have an entry yet.
Feel free to add/delete
The Arts |
Political |
The Sciences |
Other |
Beckett, Samuel
Beechey, Admiral R.B.
Binchy, Maeve
Brady, Charles
Brennan, Helen
Brennan, Peter
Coffey, Brian
Collins, Patrick
Colum, Padraic
Cusack, Cyril
Cusack, Niamh
Cusack, Sinead
Cusack, Sorcha
de Vere Stacpole, Henry
Dowling, Vincent
Drew, Ronnie
Farrell, Bernard
Fitzgerald, Barry
Geldorf, Bob
Gibbon, Monk
Ginnity, Noel V
Johnson, Denis
Joyce, James
Keyes, Marion
Kickham, Charles
Leonard, Hugh
Lynch, Sr. Concepta
Mac Kenna, Siobhan
Morrison, George
Nash, Cecil
O Faoilain, Sean
O'Herlihy, Dan
O Nolan, Brian
Orpen, William
Pearson, Peter
Potter, George
Pursar, Sarah
Ranalow, Frederick
Roche, Tom
Shaw, George Bernard
Shute, Nevil
Strong, L.A.G
Stuart, Imogen
Synge, John Millington
Walsh, Maurice
Barrett, Sean
Casement, Roger
Cosgrave, Liam
Dooge, James
Duggan, Eamonn
Gilmore, Eamon
Holt, Joseph
Laoghaire, King
O'Donohue, Martin
Grubb, Howard
Huggins, Dame Margaret
Marconi, Guglielmo
Mulvany, John Skipton
Parsons, William, Earl of Rosse
Rennie, John
Robinson, John Loftus
Usher, Isaac William
Confrey, Pat
Boyd, James McNeil
Doyle, Fr Willie
de Courcy Ireland, John
Fitzgerald, Lord Edward
Gresham, Thomas
Heron, Eddie
Halliday, Charles
Martin, Mother Mary
Moran, Patrick
McGrath, Paul
Pim, Jonathan
Pim, Joshua
Quinn, Edel
Reynolds, James Henry
Sheridan, Rev. Bartholomew
Stevens, Davy
Toutcher, Richard