1850s Griffiths Valuation - A list of property in Ireland collected for levying taxes.
Griffiths Valuation can be searched at www.askaboutireland.ie/griffith-valuation/index.xml
1902 Browne's report - "Report on the Sanitary Circumstances and Administration of the Kingstown Urban District" by Dr T. J. Browne, published 1902. (pages 158-167 of a larger report "Supplement to the Twenty-Ninth Annual Report of The Local Government Board for Ireland 1900-1" subtitled "Reports on the Sanitary Circumstances and Administration of cities and towns in Ireland, and of the Precautionary Measures respecting Plague taken by local authorities at the various ports"
This report contains lists of the courts and other poor quality ghettos in Kingstown in 1900, and shows their locations.
This document can be found at http://www.dippam.ac.uk/eppi/documents/20233/eppi_pages/557019
1981 Dun Laoghaire Kingstown - by Peter Pearson, published by The O'Brien Press ISBN 0-86278-256-2
1997 'Fact Pack' Guide to DunLaoghaire - by Conan Kennedy, publ Morrigan Books, ISBN 0-907677-98-3
2000 Historical Street Directory of Kingstown-Dun Laoghaire, published by Dún Laoghaire Borough Historical Society. Research by Brian Smith
2010 'A Walk on The Southside' - by Conan Kennedy, publ Morrigan Books, ISBN 978-0-907677-39-0