Alcohol is an important part of the culture of Eugene. Beer and especially microbrews are very popular. Oregon is a center for the microbrew movement. Portland, for example, has more than 40 microbreweries. However, the Willamette Valley also has many wineries that are most famous for producing Pinot Noir. There are a number of bars in Eugene-Springfield, however undergrads tend to drink at house parties, often at frats.
Read on for the scope of tasty and/or intoxicating libations in Eugene:
Places To Enjoy Alcohol
Sources For Alcohol
- Retail Sources (see also the beer and wine entries)
- Liquor Stores
- Breweries
- Wineries
- Kegs
- Growlers
- Homebrew
Alcohol Related Trouble
Avoiding Trouble
Drinkers might want to avoid the downtown exclusion zone although there are many bars downtown. Students living in the dorms should know the alcohol and drug policy in the dorms. If you do get drunk, it is a good idea to avoid driving. If you don't have your own designated driver, one option is the Designated Driver Shuttle. This is service run by UO students that provides free rides for the inebriated. Another option is to take a taxi.
What You Should Do If You Get In Trouble
If You Need Help With Alcohol Addiction
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- LifeRing Secular Recovery
- SMART Recovery
- SOS - Secular Organisations for Sobriety
- Women for Sobriety
- Moderation Management