Our Please Expand page supports requests for expansion of a an entry on our Wiki.

An editor added the  ["Please Expand"]  syntax to the page because they considered the page or some subsection of it to be in need of some substantive additions to make the page or section a reasonably complete exposition of the subject. The information gap was not sufficient to consider the page a Seed page. See also Please Add and Info Needed for requests to add to lists or to table entries.


  • go back to the page,
  • add whatever information you have in the requested spot on the page,
  • OR - add the information as a comment on the page for our editors to see.
  • AS A LAST RESORT - place the information in a comment below

Thanks !

Note: we will remove comments from this page when the data is added to its appropriate location.

If you are an Editor/Contributor and want others to expand a page or section of a page, then add the following at the expected insert point:

 ["Please Expand"]  - plus any comments about the information you are seeking.

Please see our Talk Page for a list of pages requesting additions as well as discussions about this page.

Comments about the Please Expand process and usage: