Contributors to this site may or may not have an interest in a company, agency, product, service, community or endeavor they are discussing. The appearance of a company, agency, product, service, community or endeavor on this site does not constitute endorsement of FredWiki. We do not guarantee the veracity, reliability or completeness of any information provided on our site or in any hyperlink appearing on our site.1 Comments are the personal opinions of their respective authors. |
Pages in the Wiki Community are locked for editing because this section of the wiki contains essential wiki management information. You may request changes or make comments on the Talk page.
FredWiki is a community edited site about Fredericksburg, VA. While we don't allow anonymous editing, we do allow anyone to sign up, and once they have an ID, they can add content to their hearts desire. FredWiki is written and maintained collaboratively by volunteers, and was partially inspired by Rochester Wiki.
Subsections of Wiki Community
- Getting Started - A guide to get started contributing to FredWiki
- Welcome Business Owners - Information for businesses that want to add content to FredWiki
- FredWiki History
- Resources - Other sources for Fredericksburg-related information
Do's and Don'ts
- Editing Etiquette - A short overview of FredWiki editing etiquette
- Editing Offenses - Because some people just don't know how to behave, and need clear rules
- Editing Non-Offenses - Because some people are too serious, and don't cut anyone any slack
- Talk Pages - Information on the use of Talk Pages
Spread the Word
- Press Coverage - FredWiki in the mass media
- Promotion ideas
- Facebook Our group on Facebook.
- Mailing List Our Google group for administrative matters
- IRC channel: We don't have one, but it would be great if we did. It could message everyone when there are recent changes.
- Contributions - discussion of contributions to FredWiki beyond editing.
Editing Highlights
- Tips & Techniques - editors share ideas on editing and contributing
- FredWiki Logo - Have an idea for the FredWiki logo? Share it here!
- Photo Requests - Items that need photographs
- Page Requests - Let us know about pages you'd like to see
- Needs Work
- Needs Cleanup - Articles which need to be tidied up
- Stub Pages - We need your knowledge!
- To Do
- Suggested Pages
- Site Stats - Updated sporadically
- Bug Reports
- Feature Requests
- Organization Development
- Wiki Development - Enhancing BufWiki
- See also: Proposals & Drafts
Wiki Events
Proposals & Drafts
Other Stuff
- Q and A - Ask a question about Fredericksburg.
- Help With Maps - detailed information on mapping resources for contributors and editors
- Map - illustrates the use of the Map Icon on the FredWiki toolbar
- Usage Statistics
- Wiki Watchdog
- Wiki Watchcat
Please see our Talk Page.
1. Many thanks to