DRAFT - This is a draft of what we might want for guidelines on the site. Let's use this as a collaborative document. Propose changes by making them. The draft has been copied from the excellent Triangle Wiki Ethics Guide under the Creative Commons Attribution license. |
Viget is a community website. The content should grow organically, so there shouldn't be too many limitations or rules about what is contributed. However, to be successful we think there are some general guidelines to be followed.
We ask all editors to please follow these community guidelines. Anyone is welcome to enforce these guidelines by leaving a comment on the person's profile page regarding a page in question.
- Respect the opinions of others. - Make it clear whether you are expressing a fact or an opinion.
- Overly promotional content - Commercial businesses are the lifeblood of our city and can certainly be listed as a resource, but please refrain from using overly promotional language. Leave the marketing talk on your website. Many websites exist that list restaurants and entertainment options, so if you choose to write up a place, think of a unique angle that can inform readers in a way that is not currently available on other websites. For example, do they have a vegetarian menu? Maybe they are very willing to adapt menu items for certain diets.
- Highly opinionated content - Save the angry rants for review sites. Don't use this site as an outlet for your revenge.
Best Practices
- Cut and paste? - There's a lot of good content out there. Perhaps you wrote something a long time ago that is buried deep in an old blog. This website should be a consolidated version of all the good content out there on all those blogs that got started with great intentions back in 2006. Yes - copy and paste as you wish, but please make sure you have permission and also cite the source.
Commenting on edits - Always supply a comment to describe what change you made to a page, even if the comment length is longer than the change itself. The comments summarize the changes and can be examined in the change-log for a page.
Including photos - Your content will look better if it includes images. Please add your own when you can. They don't have to be great to be useful! But don't use pictures or graphics if you don't have permission. If you don't have original images for your page, check out the resources at CreativeCommons.org and specifically the officially licensed work on Flickr.com. Don't forget to give credit where credit is due!
Mapping GIS recorded boundaries - Mapping recorded boundaries for townships, city limits, voting districts by hand isn't recommended. In the long term, we hope to incorporate existing GIS data to develop a set of layers to enhance Viget's maps.
Tags - Recommend using no more than 2-3 tags per wiki page and keep the tags very generic. Try to reuse generic tags, instead of developing different alternations. Last, use the singular variation of nouns. For example "park" rather than "parks".
The following rules are strictly enforced. Content will be removed immediately and the account will be terminated. Report any violations to [email protected].
Viget will not tolerate:
Same person continually posting copyright infringement content
Threats of any kind.
Spam or scam
Nudity or pornography
Graphic violence
Hate speech or symbol
Illegal activities