This location was re-organized in 2006 as the Perkins Community Garden. Hundreds of pounds of produce have been grown to feed families from throughout Grand Rapids. A wide variety of gardening styles are employed, including gardeners that grow plants that remind them of home, be that a Hudsonville farm, a garden in the deep south, or even traditional crops from Guatemala and India. Members of the garden community make sure that the fence stays in good repair so the local critters stay in the woods where they belong. In years past, members of our community were able to also secure donations of woodchip mulch, straw, and horse manure to share with other gardeners to help build the soil.
Perkins Community Garden is located within the City of Grand Rapids at 1625 Perkins NE. The Grand Rapids Parks & Recreation Department holds the land and allows the Perkins Community Garden to operate independently of the City of GR. The current point of contact is: Cheryl Jones - tru2msu @
Each garden plot measures approximately 25’ x 40’ (1,000 sq ft), First time gardeners are encouraged to utilize a ½ plot, the first season, to become acquainted with the labor needs of a garden.
- The cost for each growing season is: $60 for a plot, $30 for ½ plot. Both include water.
- A Clean Up deposit of $30 per plot, $15 per ½ plot is required. The deposit will be refunded if plot is cleaned out at the end of the season.
- Senior citizens (65+) or those receiving government assistance may apply for a plot at $40. (A copy of a Michigan Bridge Card or driver’s license for age verification is required with application.)
- Only one plot may be reserved at the reduced fee, any secondary plot rental will be at full price.
Guidelines for using the plot:
No gardener is permitted to plant any illegal materials nor any perennials.
As a member of a community garden we require that you help maintain the Garden grounds, keep walkways clear, weed whack or mow walkways and open areas.
Respect the Garden’s property and assets.
There is a service commitment to perform 4 hours minimum to the garden during the season, separate from grounds maintenance.
A Garden Overview Meeting will be scheduled, usually held at the Yankee Clipper Library, prior to opening.
Applications will be available late February through early March.
Applications will be sent to gardeners on the e-mail list as well as available in the tube at the garden.
Applications must be submitted with fees. Returning gardeners get preference on plots.
The coordinator determines plot placements and posts a map (inside the garden fence) prior to the Garden opening for the season.
The goal is to open the Garden each year prior to June 1. All gardeners are alerted to the opening date, as with most other communication, via email.
Spring Bloom - Photo by Abigail Haan (age 6)
Location |
1625 Perkins NE Grand Rapids, MI 49505 |
Website | |