The mural was painted by local North Carolina artist, JEKS, after the news of Mac Miller's death in September 2018. It pays homage to the talented rapper after he passed away due to his struggle with substance abuse

The mural is located behind the Greensboro Project Space building. The easiest way to get there is to find parking near 219 West Lewis Street,Add a caption

Greensboro, NC and walk from there. After parking, walk past Boxcar Bar + Arcade and The Forge to the end of the street. From there, turn left and walk towards the back of the Greensboro Project Space building near the train tracks.

About the Area

The mural is located on the edge of downtown Greensboro. Around the address listed above, one will find Boxcar Bar + Arcade, which is a full service bar that also features retro video games. Like mentioned before, The Forge and Greensboro Project Space are also located near the mural. The Forge is a non-profit community makerspace dedicated to sharing tools and knowledge with members who are working on projects. Greensboro Project Space belongs to The University of North Carolina Greensboro and is "an off-campus contemporary art center that serves both the university and the vibrant communities in Greensboro."

Greensboro is one of the best cities when it comes to showcasing and respecting the arts. There are several other murals located near by as well as other art located all around the city.