• Not sure of your property's block and lot number?
  • Want to find a Haddonfield resident's address?
  • Wondering what your neighbor paid for her house, and when?
  • Need to check the assessment on your own property?

The Property Database will give you the answers.

To see all Haddonfield records in block and lot order, go directly to Step 8 of the form and click "Submit Search."

To see all records for a particular street in Haddonfield in Block and Lot order, type the street name in "Location," then click "Submit Search."

To see the record for a particular property, type:

  • EITHER the street number and street name in "Location,"
  • OR the block and lot numbers in the relevant boxes,

then click "Submit Search."

To see the record for a particular resident, type the resident's street number and street name in "Location," then click "Submit Search." Alternatively, type the resident's last name in "Owner Name."

Note, however, that if you search by last name, the result will show all Haddonfield property owners with that last name.

Caution! If the property owner's name begins with Mc or Mac, be aware that in some records, but not all, there is a space after the "Mc" or "Mac." If you search "McDuff," for example, and don't get a result, try "Mc Duff."