150 Broadway Broadway and Prospect Avenue, 1902. The future site of DJ's Rustic was occupied by the handsome cure cottage at lower right in 1902. Address: 151 Broadway

Old Address: 150 Broadway

Other names: Doty Cottage, Ethel's Diner, DJ's Rustic Restaurant

Year built: Before 1916

Other information: DJ's Rustic Restaurant was created by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jewtraw in 1976. Previously it was Ethel's Diner, owned by Ethel Cushman from at least 1965. There are five apartments in the building.

DJ's restaurant was identified as Ethel's Diner in an obituary for Lester L. Spencer in the Adirondack Daily Enterprise of July 21, 2011. Mr. Spencer, born in 1946, moved to Saranac Lake in 1954 with his family and attended Saranac Lake schools. He worked at Ethel's Diner (DJ's restaurant) for many years, it said.

Francis E. Dunn (9/23/1920 - 2/12/2001) was employed as a cook at Ethel's Diner and also worked at the Troy Laundry for many years.

Adirondack Daily Enterprise, October 1-2, 2022

Last day at DJ's: After decades of friends, family and food, local diner closes shop

by Aaron Cerbone

Lauralee Kunath served up breakfast for her family and friends in DJ's Rustic Restaurant for the last time on Tuesday. . . .

Other historic properties


2012-01-19 20:29:05   wow....memories......is dj"s restaurant still open these days? —

2012-01-19 20:30:50   Richard was my dads uncle, my dad was William George Jewtraw. He has now passed away. I remember Shirley was running the restaurant. —

  • I'll try to get a page together on your dad. Check back in a day or two. — Mwanner