Address: 18 Payeville Road

Old Address: 38 Payeville Road

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Adirondack Daily Enterprise, January 12, 1948

Margaret DeForge United in Marriage To Norman Johnson

Miss Margaret DeForge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mose DeForge of 147 Pine street, became the bride of Norman Johnson, son of Charles Johnson of 18 Payeville road and the late Mrs. Johnson, at an 8 o'clock ceremony this morning in St. Bernard's church.

The Rev. John Wiley, assistant to the pastor of the church, officiated at the service. Mrs. Carl Johnson, sister-in-law of the bridegroom, was matron of honor for the bride. Best man was Stanley Ohmann.

The bride was attired in a light blue suit with beige accessories. Her corsage was made up of white roses and gladioli.

The matron of honor wore a gray pin striped suit and pink accessories. She had a white and pink carnation corsage. Mrs. DeForge; the bride's mother, was dressed in a black street length frock, black accessories and a white rose corsage.

Following the ceremony, a wedding breakfast for the bridal party and immediate families was served at the home of the bride's parents.

Upon their return from a wedding trip to Central New York State, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will reside at 163 Pine street.  

Mrs. Johnson was graduated from the Saranac Lake High school with the class of 1944. She is employed as a secretary at the Corbin Service, 16 Depot street.

The bridegroom attended the local High school and is a veteran of two years service with the Navy during World War II. He is employed by the General Ice Cream corporation in Saranac Lake.

The bride was feted last Monday evening at a miscellaneous bridal shower given by Miss Mildred Johnson, the bridegroom’s sister and Mrs. Carl Johnson, at the latter's home at 163 Pine street.



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