The text of the Saranac Lake portion of the 1911 TB Directory follows. For full text, see here.
ADIRONDACK COTTAGE SANITARIUM, P. O. Trudeau (1885): For persons who cannot afford to pay more than $7.00 per week and who are in the early stages of pulmonary tuberculosis, or are at least favorable types. Capacity:—110. Rates: The uniform charge is $7.00 per week; there is a free bed fund, the interest of which is applied to prolonging the stay of needy patients. President: — Dr. Edward L. Trudeau. Resident Physicians: Drs. Lawrason Brown, F.H. Heise, and A.T. Laird, Pathologist. Application should be made to any of the following physicians: Dr. Lawrason Brown, Saranac Lake; Dr. James Alexander Miller, New York City; Dr. Linsly R. Williams, New York City.
COLLINS COTTAGE, 96 Park Avenue: For all classes of cases. Capacity:—5. Rates:—$5.00 to $45.00 per week. Proprietor: Miss Ruth Collins. Application should be made to the Proprietor.
EVERGREEN LODGE (1906): For incipient and curable cases. Capacity:—20. Rates:—$2.50 per day; $17.00 to $35.00 week. Proprietors: —The Misses Mahan. Patients may have choice of seven visiting physicians residing in Saranac Lake. Application should he made to the Proprietors.
HILLCREST COTTAGE, 5 Shepard Avenue: For all classes of cases. Capacity: 11. Rates:—$12.00 TO $20 per week. Proprietor:—Mrs. E.H. Jones. Application should be made to the Proprietor.
MARQUIS COTTAGE, 42 Baker Street: For all classes of cases. Capacity:—8. Rates:—$25.00 to $40.00 per week. Proprietor:— Mrs. M. A. Marquis. Application should be made to the Proprietor.
NEAL COTTAGE, 36 Franklin Avenue: For all classes of cases. Capacity:—7. Rates:—$13.00 to $25.00 per week. Proprietors:—The Misses Neal. Application should be made to the Proprietors.
THE RECEPTION HOSPITAL FOR PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS (1903): First— To provide temporary care for tuberculous patients who reside in Saranac Lake and vicinity, and who require nursing. Second— To provide nursing and a short period of treatment for patients who come with the expectation of admission to the Adirondack Cottage Sanitarium but are refused because of acute or advanced disease. Capacity: 18. Rates—$7.00 per week, including board, rooms, medical care, and nursing. Two weeks' board payable in advance. Medical Director: Dr. Edward R. Baldwin. Superintendent: Miss Sophie M. Hoerner. Visiting Physicians: Drs. Charles C. Trembley, Hugh M. Kinghorn, Lawrason Brown and J. Woods Price. Application:— Patients are received only when at Saranac Lake and by applying to Dr. Baldwin or one of the Visiting Physicians. A waiting list precludes the admission of patients directly from out of town.
THE RUMENAPP COTTAGE (July 1902) For all classes of cases. Capacity:— 14 in winter; 22 in summer. Rates:— $2.00 per day $12.00 per week. Application should be made to Miss Edith Rumenapp, Moody Pond Road
ST MARY'S OF THE LAKE (June 1910) For advanced cases only. Capacity:—16. Rates: From $5.00 to $25.00 per week; limited number of free patients. Supervisor: Sister Mary Catherine, 94 Ampersand Avenue, Saranac Lake. Application should be made to the Supervisor.
See also: 1916 TB Directory