30 Franklin Avenue

Address: 86 Franklin Avenue

Old Address: 30 Franklin Avenue

Other names: Miner Cottage (1911), Reeves Cottage (1911), Mrs. James Carney (1920s), Berwick Cottage (1928), Davis Cottage (1928), Barrett Cottage (1929); DIS

Year built:

Architect: The details of this cottage so resemble those of the house that architect William L. Coulter built for his own family at 34 Shepard Avenue (later 82 Shepard Avenue) that it is conjecturally attributed to him. As the architect speculated in lots on Helen Hill, he may have built this house as an investment.

Other information:

Other historic properties


2010-02-04 14:40:26   2010-02-02 20:27:22 My name is Kathy Fadden and I am the owner of this home. I am so happy to find the information here! I love my cure cottage and one can truly feel pride in the Saranac Lake history. Thank you for posting the information. Oh, and I will paint it soon. I have done many renovations to bring back the original plans for this cottage and paint will be the last thing to complete. Truly a restoration of love! — —amycatania