47 Baker Street

Address: 88 Baker Street

Old Address: 47 Baker Street

Other names: Scopes Cottage (1911), Feistman (sic) Cottage (1929) DIS

Year built: Before 1911 (In 1910, 47 Baker Street was given as the address of the Rev. Alexis Stein, age 39, on his "Report of a Case of Tuberculosis" card.)

Architects: Likely Scopes and Feustmann

Other information: The home of Dr. Leonard Bristol and family in the 1950s, this house was very likely designed by Scopes and Feustmann, who also invested in and developed this block and many of the houses on it.

Adirondack Daily Enterprise, May 16, 2020

Excerpt from Howard Riley's column

Dr. Leonard Bristol's daughter, Noreen Bristol Oslander, wrote, "Neighborhood kids on Baker Street, who all played together, often in the street, included the Clarks, Ryans, Nelsons, Sagemans and Pohls. Like all the neighborhoods in Saranac Lake in the '50s, it was a great and safe neighborhood in which to grow up surrounded with caring families who all looked out for each other."

In 1948 and '50, it was the home of Raymond W. Burleigh, proprietor of the Economy Market on Broadway.

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