Born: 1853
Died: February 16, 1914
Married: Mary Townsend White
Alfred Livingston White according to the announcement of his wedding in the February 11, 1880 New York Times, was "a gentleman well known in financial circles in this City". He had a camp, Camp Restawhile, on Deer Island in Upper Saranac Lake that was designed by Coulter and Westhoff. He was a founding trustee of the Association for the Protection of the Adirondacks in 1902.
Brooklyn Daily Eagle, June 25, 1899
...Alfred L. White is building two cottages to cost about $4,500 each. One of these will be occupied by the owner, while the other may be leased...
Forestry and Irrigation, February, 1902
New York State Forest, Fish, and Game Commission gave a hearing on an application to have declared void the purchase by the State, of 30.000 acres of land in Franklin county, near Upper Saranac and Tupper Lakes, for the School of Forestry of Cornell University. This application was made by Eric P. Swenson, representing an association of residents and property owners of Upper Saranac Lake. Ex-Gov. Levi P. Morton, Jules S. Bache, Sidney M. Colgate, Charles Peabody, Isaac N. Seligman, F. S. Bangs, and Alfred L. White were among the signers of the petition. The association was represented by David Wilcox and John G. Agar, of New York city, and James F. Tracy, of Albany. Cornell University was represented by President J. G. Schurman, Dr. B. E. Fernow, Director of the School of Forestry, and State Civil Service Commissioner Cuthbert Pound.
The citizens' association charges that the purchase of the 30,000 acres of land is unconstitutional, and that the School of Forestry has exceeded its authority, even though the act were constitutional, by cutting down and selling the timber product of the land.
Dr. Fernow stated that his conduct of the school has been to demonstrate that the forests can be reproduced with a view to future earnings. He admitted that a contract had been entered into with a Brooklyn cooperage concern for a period of fifteen or twenty years, to utilize the timber cut from the lands. This timber was cut, he said, with a view of affording opportunity for scientific reproduction.
Lieutenant-Governor Woodruff said that the authorities of Cornell had evidently labored under a misapprehension as to what was intended when the school was authorized. He was a member of the Forest Preserve Board at the time of the purchase, and knew that Governor Black and the legislature had no intention of permitting any one to denude any part of the forests.
John G. Agar said that it is the intention of the school to practically denude the entire tract, which would be a great detriment, not only to neighboring property, but to the entire Adirondack region...
Brooklyn Daily Eagle, July 11, 1909
Several of the campers on Upper Saranac Lake have launched speedy motor craft this season. Among them are Alfred L. White, at camp Rest-a-While; R. Dun Douglas, at at Douglas Point; John G. Agar, at Camp Gricoq and A. B. Jenkins.
Brooklyn Daily Eagle, February 18, 1914
Alfred L. White
Alfred Livingston White of the real estate brokerage firm of William A. White & Sons, died on Monday at his home, 53 West Fifty-fourth street Manhattan. He was born in Boston in 1853, and had lived in Manhattan thirty-five years. Mr. White was a trustee of the Greenwich Savings Bank, vice president of the New York Plate Glass Insurance Company, one of the original trustees of the Association for the Protection of the Adirondacks, vice president of the Society for Christian Work of the Collegiate Church of St. Nicholas, and a member of the board of control of the Reformed Dutch Church of America. He was a member of the Mayflower Society, the New England Society, the Union League Club and the Lawyers' Club.