Born: August 8, 1862
Died: February 4, 1949
Married: Mary J. Ashley
Children: Arthur G. Leonard Jr., Edward A. Leonard, Mrs. C. Groverman Ellis, Mrs. Carlton Swift
Arthur G. Leonard served as private secretary to H. Walter Webb, a railway executive with the New York Central Railroad. He built the Lake Kushaqua Hotel on Lake Kushaqua in 1892.
He managed the stock yards in Chicago starting in 1899
New York Times, January 1, 1893
New Year’s In the Adirondacks.
A quartet of enthusiastic Adirondack campers left here last evening for their picturesque camp on the banks of Lake Kushaqua, on the line of Dr. Webb's Adirondack road. They were Arthur G. Leonard, private secretary to H. Walter Webb; F. G. Smith, private secretary to Dr. W. Seward Webb; Dr. Patchia and Mr. J. Martin. They will spend New Year’s Day in that interesting locality, and they will doubtless find an abundance of comfort in the capacious cabin which they caused to be erected in their camp last Summer.
New York Times, February 4, 1896 (front page!)
Miss Marion Abbott, the Comedienne, Honored by a Theatre Party.
In memory of Some pleasant Summer days spent at Lake Kushaqua, Adirondacks, about forty members of the Kushaqua Bowling Club united in a demonstration of regard for Miss Marion Abbott, of W. H. Crane’s comedy company, a night or two ago. After enjoying the performance of “ The Kentucky Colonel,” in which Miss Abbott has made a hit as Betty Bunce, the party proceeded to an up town resort noted for gastronomic entertainments. There, around a daintily spread table, in a private supper room, old acquaintance was renewed and agreeable associations and events were recalled.
While Miss Abbott occupied the seat of honor, Mr. Crane graced the occasion with his genial presence and said many pleasant things about his clever young comedienne. A charming informality characterized the affair, which was enjoyed by the following named devotees of Kushaqua: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Leonard, Mrs. E. Leonard, J. R. Leonard, Miss Belle Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Townsend. J. W. Davis...